Year 1
Year 1 experimented with wavy lines to create a “making waves” art piece in pairs or small groups.
Year 1 loved their international day breakfast! we ate lots of different types of food from all around the world. We spoke about what countries we are from and how to say hello!
Year 1 absolutely loved making healthy fruit salads as part of healthy schools fortnight.
Today for year 1 PE we started off our balancing techniques then we got into pairs and practised throwing and catching our beanbags in our pairs….. we ended with a little healthy competition to see who could get the most points in our pairs !
Year 1 had a fantastic time during partake! We learnt all about the seaside 120 years ago. We had great fun pretending to be at the seaside.
What a wonderful art lesson in Year 1 today. We looked at primary and secondary colours, then used paint to imitate the work (Numbers in Colour) of the artist Jasper Johns.
Year one used all the skills that they have learnt over the last few weeks of threading, plaiting, wrapping, twisting and weaving to create some large pieces of art. They all showed how well they could cooperate and also showed lots of resilience.
Year 1 had a rocking world maths day.
Year 1 have enjoyed combining everything they have learnt in gymnastics to travel and jump off higher apparatus. Some wonderful jumps and rolls demonstrated.
Year 1 have really enjoyed learning to weave today. Some children worked collaboratively to help as it was quite difficult. Lots of perseverance equalled lots of proud children with their final pieces.
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Year 1 really enjoyed their gymnastics lesson today learning about different jumps, taking off from two feet and landing with their knees bent. Some great action shots. Well done year 1.
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Nursery have been doing some fabulous observational drawings of Daffodils in art today – The children were also able to talk about features of the plant which links in with our science work about seeds,bulbs and plants.
Nursery children have enjoyed trying lots of different healthy fruits that they haven’t tried before such as lychee, pomegranate, blood orange, kiwi and lime. Well done for trying new experiences, which fits in with our SCARF topic ‘looking after myself.’
In History today, Year 1 used lots of different sources of evidence to compare two Antarctic explorers. We looked at photographs, newspaper adverts, letters and posters.
For Internet Safety Day, Year 1 enjoyed watching a short story about online games and how they have changed over time. They used their Oracy skills, to discuss questions, in trios, before writing their own pledges about ways they can stay safe online.
Year 1 enjoyed cutting and sticking pictures & captions about the journey of The Endurance, to make timelines in History today. They have learnt lots about Ernest Shackleton and his exploration of Antarctica.
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Year 1 have been learning about the explorer Ernest Shackleton. They became school explorers today.
Year 1 have been practising sending and receiving a ball with their feet. Remembering to look, place their book behind the ball and say the persons name who they are selecting it to.
Today in year 1 we have been working on our observational drawing. The children looked really carefully and sketched different fruit and vegetables and then tried hard to colour using pencil crayons and oil pastels.
Year 1 really enjoyed their Geography drama workshop this morning. They learnt lots of new and interesting facts about Antarctica and the Arctic, and had great fun too.
The last day of this term has approached and to end. We decided to make our animal enclosures this afternoon using the boxes the children brought in. We used tissue paper, toilet rolls, carboard, glue and tape following from their designs in their books they did. Well done Year 1
Yesterday we sorted and classified objects according to materials and their properties. We chose materials to make a home for a stick man thinking about their properties and we played a game at the end to end our science experiment.
This week Year 1 have been looking at Judaism. Yesterday we looked at the story of Abraham and today we learned about the story of Moses. We spoke about how he saved the jews from the Pharoh by parting the sea. So, we decided to begin to make our own creation of this.
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Year 1 exploring systematic number bonds using ten frames …. !!
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Today in year 1, for Literacy we worked in pairs looking at our dictionaries. We sang the alphabet song to refresh our brains, then we put words in alphabetical order and we looked for them in our dictionaries and found their meanings.
For Science on Wednesday Year 1 looked at their new topic different materials. They were able to group materials and objects.
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Year 1 enjoyed their PSHE lesson discussing how to listen closely to build friendships by using their oracy skills . Then in P.E they all participated in team work games to build on their team building skills. Overall a lovely end to world mental health day !
Year 1 have been supporting World Mental Health Day by wearing Yellow, eating cakes and donating.
Year 1 used their communication skills in their P.E lesson today ! Team work !
Year 1 has had a wonderful international day…. They especially enjoyed their shared breakfast this morning, talked about where them and their families come from and enjoyed colouring in our flags from our home countries too !
Year 1 enjoyed recognising what is an animal and labelling key features and identifying what group they belong to.
Year 1 enjoying their P.E session today using their team building skills !
Year 1 had a lovely R.E session talking about ways our families show us love
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Year 1 enjoyed a lovely P.E lesson today…. playing the jelly bean game, pirate ship and the traffic light game. Year 1 used their listening skills to listen to instructions and follow them.
Year 1 had a great time role playing the story of Peter Pan last week.
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Year 1 had an amazing afternoon with the Life Education team last week!
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Children in Year 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed creating their gardens for King Charles III as part of our Coronation celebrations.
Children who visited year 1 had a great time learning about kindness. We used our oracy skills to discuss what we thought being kind meant and how we can be kind to others. We then used toothpaste to understand that once we say or do something unkind, it is hard to get it back.
Year 1 had a great maths lesson learning all about capacity and volume. We talked about which container had the biggest capacity and whether it was full, empty, half full, nearly empty or nearly full.
Year one completed a science investigation yesterday to work out which boat could hold the most stones before sinking. We also investigated floating and sinking and found objects that float and sink. #scienceweek
We are loving our science week @ OLSE. Today Year 1 investigated materials that float and sink, designing and testing model boats. Year 3 are on their way to making the longest marble run in school. Super connections!
Year 1 are working hard on their Antarctic diary entries this morning!
We had an amazing world book day in year 1! We voted for our favourite books, dressed up as book characters, designed book marks and book covers, practised our oracy skills talking about our favourite books and acted out Alice in Wonderland in a dance workshop. #WorldBookDay
Year 1 had a fantastic Geography workshop this morning all about the Arctic & Antarctic. They thought about how different animals might behave during the changing seasons. They packed a case to explore and thought about what it might be like to travel there by boat. #Geography
Year 1 working super hard on their dictionary skills.
Year 1 have started the year with a bang! working super hard in literacy where we have been learning about alliteration!
Year 1 had a fantastic time re-enacting a baptism over at church the other day!