Year 5
Year 5 have been investigating different ways of creating space themed pictures.

Year 5 have been learning about the different phases of the moon in science this week.

This afternoon year 5 have been investigating the orbit of the planets in our solar system.

The year five children made their festive flavoured rice pudding today. They added different flavours, then tasted it and evaluated their choices.

Year 5 and 6 are having a great time at their Christmas disco! #memories
Year 6 joined the year 5 class for celebration of the word. The theme was waiting.

Year five made us proud this morning at their DAaRT graduation. After completing a ten week program they shared some of their best bits with the other children and their parents.

Year five have a fantastic time today at the Leicester museum, learning even more about Ancient Egyptians.

Children in need today and the children have been taking part in challenges on the playground. Year five were challenged by the year six captains to run as many laps of the playground as they could in a set amount of time. They were amazing and everyone put in lots of effort.

Year five have been investigating the effect of weight on falling object as we investigate the effects of gravity.

The computing topic this half term for year 5 is multimedia. The children started by making their own flip books whilst investigating animation.

Year 5 have been learning about ‘dance by chance’. Each pair choreographed their own combination of actions using a count of eight.

Year 5 have been discussing how people can show God’s love and understanding in marriage as we look at the sacrament of marriage. Some of the children role played their suggestions.

Thank you to all of the year 5 parents for attending the Harvest Liturgy and thank you to everyone for the donations.

Year five all had a go on the smoothie bike. They decided on the ingredients and then made them into a smoothie ready to try at lunchtime.

The year 5 children have been reflecting and responding to God as a gift giver and they have created collages to represent their thoughts and feelings.

Year 5 enjoying the shared international breakfast. A fantastic variety of food to try.

Year 5 developing their balances and travelling in canon and synchronisation.

Year 5 have been sorting and grouping materials based on their properties.

Year 5 were thinking about friendships in PSHE and what a good friend looks like.

This afternoon year 5 have been investigating the orbit of the planets in our solar system.

The year five children made their festive flavoured rice pudding today. They added different flavours, then tasted it and evaluated their choices.

Year 5 and 6 are having a great time at their Christmas disco! #memories
Year 6 joined the year 5 class for celebration of the word. The theme was waiting.

Year five made us proud this morning at their DAaRT graduation. After completing a ten week program they shared some of their best bits with the other children and their parents.

Year five have a fantastic time today at the Leicester museum, learning even more about Ancient Egyptians.

Children in need today and the children have been taking part in challenges on the playground. Year five were challenged by the year six captains to run as many laps of the playground as they could in a set amount of time. They were amazing and everyone put in lots of effort.

Year five have been investigating the effect of weight on falling object as we investigate the effects of gravity.

The computing topic this half term for year 5 is multimedia. The children started by making their own flip books whilst investigating animation.

Year 5 have been learning about ‘dance by chance’. Each pair choreographed their own combination of actions using a count of eight.

Year 5 have been discussing how people can show God’s love and understanding in marriage as we look at the sacrament of marriage. Some of the children role played their suggestions.

Thank you to all of the year 5 parents for attending the Harvest Liturgy and thank you to everyone for the donations.

Year five all had a go on the smoothie bike. They decided on the ingredients and then made them into a smoothie ready to try at lunchtime.

The year 5 children have been reflecting and responding to God as a gift giver and they have created collages to represent their thoughts and feelings.

Year 5 enjoying the shared international breakfast. A fantastic variety of food to try.

Year 5 developing their balances and travelling in canon and synchronisation.

Year 5 have been sorting and grouping materials based on their properties.

Year 5 were thinking about friendships in PSHE and what a good friend looks like.

Well done to our year 5/6 boys football team who won again against St Patrick’s Wilford. They played 4 games scoring a total of 11 goals. You are really working well together as a team and are supportive of each other.

Lots of action shots from our year 5/6 boys today as part of the Euros tournament.

Year 5 are making fruit kebabs for healthy school fortnight this afternoon.

Year 5 had a Tudor based orienteering session in PE this afternoon.

Well done to our boys football team for their super performance against @GreythornPS tonight. There were some excellent goals scored and an overall great team performance. Well done to all the boys who played and thanks to @GreythornPS for travelling across to play.

Year 5 had an amazing day with Mr Adby from Partake History. We first of all looked at some Tudor artefacts, then we looked at some spices the Tudor’s would use for cooking. In the afternoon, we had a chance to dress up as Tudor people!

It was the turn of the Year 5 & 6 girls today and a second win on the bounce for England in our House Euro Competition as they beat France 2-0. Germany and Portugal battled out an entertaining 0-0 draw. Well done to everyone who took part.

Well done to our boys football team who won against Sacred Heart tonight 6-0. You really are growing as a team and are fantastic role models to some of our younger children.

Our girls football team played again last night and although they lost 2-4 to Bluebell, we are super proud of your determination and commitment. You are developing skills over time. Well done and keep going.

Well done to our recently formed girls football team. Most of you have never played football before and never played a game before. A win of 4-3 against Greythorn. We are very proud of you all some amazing defence and goals scored.

Our class team in year 5 for the Men’s Euros is Poland, and some of the girls very kindly brought in some polish sweets for us to try and taught us some common school and lifestyle words and phrases. Thank you girls.

Year 5 practised their oracy skills this morning to have a balanced argument about whether or not children should be allowed to own pets.

Today in year 5 we had a special visitor called Mr Longmoor who is a student Mental Health Nurse. We had a discussion about how his role relates to the story of the Good Samaritan and were able to ask him lots of questions and participate in a role play.

Year 5 are learning all about the basics of first aid, how we would deal with different situations and the differences between an accident or an emergency.

During our history lesson about Tudor times today, a child very kindly showed us a Tudor coin, explaining the background and the story behind it as well as Henry Viii’s love of precious metals!

Year 5 are creating their own superheroes in line with Catholic Social Teaching.

Year 5 led us in our first liturgy this afternoon linked to the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. We had a short reflection for each mystery, followed by two Hail Mary’s while we explored the life of Jesus with Mary.

Congratulations to our boys football team for their 4-1 win against @BlueBellHillPSThere was some great communication and teamwork on display.

Year 5 led us in our Lenten liturgy all about Journey.

Year 5 are working together in groups to discuss questions relating to different scriptures on Jesus’ crucifixion.

Maths challenge for a group of children mapping out a zoo, using their area estimating skills independently.

In maths today year 5 are doing something a little bit different. We are estimating area and our reasoning and problem solving is mapping out a zoo with lots of different enclosures

This morning we are celebrating World Book Day. We have shared some of our favourite books (we’ve even had a bible reading in Tigrinya). We are now writing book reviews and eating biscuits!

Year 5 are using rodocodo to debug programs using functions and loops to solve problems.

Year 5 are doing a maths retrieval activity in the form of an escape room!

This week is children’s mental health week. We are celebrating in Year 5 by wearing a scarf. This represents S for Safety, C for caring, A for achievement, R for resilience and F for friendship.

Year 5 and 6 are having a joint assembly about how to stay safe online in aid of Safer Internet Day 2024.

This afternoon is RSHE, year 5 are learning about “self- talk”and how we can channel our thoughts into more positive feelings, therefore influencing the way we act around others.
Well done to children from year 5 & 6 who took part in a cross country event at Wollaton Hall. The children ran 2km around the grounds with some getting their feet stuck in the mud and one member of our team lost their shoe in the mud so had to run back for it!!
Year 5 have had a lovely afternoon printing their space imagery using paint and rollers. Lots of fun had by all.

Year 5 had a PSHE lesson on the laws and information surrounding vaping. We spoke about different scenarios that we may find ourselves in and how we would tackle them using our knowledge from DaART.

Year 5 are discussing dilemma’s in PSHE this morning and learning about how we would deal with real life situations.

Map work of Asia in year 5 this morning.

This afternoon, Year 5 used their class atlases to independently research all the countries within Asia. Excellent Geography work!

Year 5 are finding the right partner who has the main clause or dependent clause that matches with theirs.

Thank you to Fr Joe and some members of Year 5 who led us in our Advent Reconciliation Service. We thought about how we would show God’s love to others during this season and be ready to encounter the love of Jesus at Christmas. @OLOLCatholicMAT @BishopPMcKinney

Year 5 joined year 6 for celebration of the word which was all about waiting

As part of Judaism week, today Year 5 tried different foods that would have been shared from the Seder plate the night before Passover.

This afternoon in year 5, we are testing whether or not the weight of an object makes a difference to the time it takes for the object to fall to the ground.

Year 6 were joined by the year 5 class for liturgical prayer this week. The theme was vocation and commitment. The children were asked to think about how they could be committed to their calling.

This morning in Year 5 computing, we have been looking at cyber bullying and the effects it has on its victims. We have been given the creative freedom to create posters/leaflets to educate others on this.

Todays year 5 PE lessons involved synchronisation. This took a little practise but we got there in the end.

Today is International Day of Languages. Here are some Year 5 children in their traditional dress.

Year 5 Retreat Afternoon Encounter The children discussed different scriptures and the ways we can encounter God.

Year 5 have been learning how to deal with stressful situations in todays DaART lesson.

Today in year 5 we are planning our Liturgical Prayer to share with year 6 tomorrow afternoon

Well done to our boys football team for a fantastic performance and win this week against @GreythornPS Our girls also enjoyed participating in their football festival too.

Well done to our boys football team who returned to winning ways with a 5-3 win this afternoon. Thank you to @SacredHeartOLOL for your sportsmanship, it was a great game!

Year 5 and 6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the tennis centre this week. There were some good skills on show during the drills, you met the mascots and even squeezed in time to watch some live tennis at the Nottingham Open.
Well done to the boys from Year 5 and 6 who represented our school playing football against @GreythornPS Despite losing 5-4 in the closing stages, Mr Jessop was very proud of your commitment.

A massive well done to some of our year 5/6 children who represented school yesterday in football against St Patrick’s. Boys team won all 3 matches. The girls also won both of their matches. We couldn’t be any prouder of your hard work and dedication.

Everyone in Colwick is up, fed and happy…there’s even time for a walk and play in the park. What super memories we have all made.

What a fun end to a wonderful, memorable day. Songs around the campfire, toasting marshmallows & hot chocolate.

Enjoying a “packed tea”in the sunshine.

Orienteering around West Lake, working together to find flags and answer the quiz questions.

Fantastic high ropes and climbing… everybody managed to conquer the wall!

Problem solving and team building inside our dry tents.
And then the rain came…

Lunch in the sunshine.

Den building including making fairy houses.

Year 5 have all arrived safely at Colwick, looking forward to our camping adventures.

Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed creating their gardens to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday.

Year 5 are kicking off their Coronation Celebrations by doing a reading comprehension to learn more about the ceremony.

Well done to the children in year 4 and 5 who represented school in the athletics tournament yesterday. Bronze in the track events and silver in the field events so overall Silver. Super proud of your hard work and effort.

Year 5 led us this afternoon as we continue on our Lenten journey. Their theme was sacrifice and we had time to reflect on the sacrifices we make during Lent to help others but also looking ahead to the greatest sacrifice Jesus made for us. #pupilled

Year 5 have spent the last day of term at the space centre. First of all, we sat in a planetarium and learnt what it takes to be an astronaut. We then went and explored the space centre learning all about the planets,start of the universe and much much more.

Year 5 worked really hard today using atlases and maps to locate & label Asia, it’s countries & capital cities. They included rivers & mountain ranges on their maps. They also used good Oracy skills to discuss the Biomes of Asia.

Year 5 have been practicing their oracy skills this afternoon. We were asked would you rather questions, some very interesting and debatable!

Year 5 have been learning about air and water resistance in Science. We used our investigative skills to investigate the question ‘Does the surface area of a parachute affect how long it takes to hit the ground?’ The answer is yes!

Year 5 have been working on tone this morning. Learning how to use a colour to create different tones and shades. They then created a picture and thought about how we can use tone to reflect the mood that we are feeling.

Congratulations to Year 5 for all of your hard work over the last ten weeks in your DAaRT sessions. Thank you for sharing everything you learnt during your graduation on Thursday. You all looked great in your DAaRT t-shirts too. Thanks to the families who joined us too. #PHSE

Year 5 have started the week by recapping the features of a non-chronological text. We each had to tell Miss Callaghan something about the text type then we practiced identifying the features in pairs.

Year 5 contributed really well during the launch activities of our oracy afternoon. They followed the talk guidelines well ensuring that they faced the person they were talking too. Some great discussions took place. Well done year 5.

Year 5 have enjoyed learning about the Jewish faith this week as part of Judaism week. They have been learning about Passover and a Seder plate.
Well done to our wonderful year 5 for planning and leading us in our Harvest liturgy. Thank you to all of our families for your generous donations which will be passed on to our parish SVP group and support those in our local community. #faithinaction