Year 3

Thank you Year 3 & 4 for leading us in our Christmas Carol Service this afternoon. You read scripture with confidence, shared your own reflections giving us all plenty to think about. Well done for singing with such enthusiasm too. @NottmCathMusic  Merry Christmas all from @olse

Year 3 and 4 are having a great time at our Christmas disco. #moves

Year 3 enjoyed testing bar magnets to understand how different poles attract and how two poles that are the same repel. They also tested different materials to see what was magnetic. Lots of scientific vocabulary used by all the children.

Well done to all the children in Year 3 and 4 who have represented our school at St Barnabas Cathedral tonight. You were all amazing and we are proud of you all. Thank you Mr Treloar for all your support too. @BishopPMcKinney @NottmCathMusic @OLOLCatholicMAT

In year 3 we are looking at poetry in our literacy lessons. Today, we created our own poem inspired by our class topic: The Stone Age! We made sure to include rhyming words, prehistoric context and emotions of those living in prehistoric times.

Supporting children in need! Year 3 were challenged to run for as long as possible across the playground, finishing off with some star jumping. They were fantastic!

We have had lovely final morning sharing our memories around the campfire, before some birthday marshmallows, a play on the park and lunch!

The children had a great time at the pool cafe

We have had a jam packed day and now we are enjoying a hot chocolate and biscuit before bed. See you all tomorrow. #olseontour

Cleaning our boots after successfully completing our 6 mile walk. It’s very competitive to see who can get them the cleanest!

Year 3 and 4 have had a lovely day out exploring the Peak District. After catching the train to Grindleford, we explored Padley Chapel, a game of hide and seek before lunch and den building

Year 4 and 3 have enjoyed stream studies and orienteering this afternoon, as well as the very competitive duck races!

We have arrived in Hathersage, familiarised ourselves with where we are staying before our afternoon activities

Look at the fantastic posters that year 3 are making to show the importance of eating healthily as part of healthy schools fortnight.

Year 3 enjoyed their yoga session this morning linked to Harry Potter as part of Healthy Schools fortnight. They learnt lots of different stretches, poses and the importance of relaxing and meditating.

Week 2 of our Euro House Competition is underway. Year 3 and 4 have completed their fixtures and there was a win for France and Germany with the girls and today England and Portugal won their games with the boys. #competiton #pupilleadership

It was the turn of Year of the boys from Year 3 & 4 to represent their house country in our Euro competition. St Therese  beat Blessed Cyprian Tansi  3-0. Again, St Joan of Arc  drew with St Alban  1-1. Well done all, there was great team work and sportsmanship on show.

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Well done to our Year 3 and 4 girls who got our Euro house competition off to a great start. Blessed Cyprian Tansi  beat St Therese  9-0 and St Joan of Arc  battled out a 0-0 draw with St Alban  Lots of children from Key Stage 2 came to cheer you on too. #teamwork

Huge congratulations to one of our Year 3 pupils who has signed for @dcfcacademy Well done for taking part in a tournament in Belgium during half term and helping your team to finish third out of 60 teams. Everyone connected with @olseacademy  is extremely proud of you.

Yesterday Year 3 led us in our liturgy linked to the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. We heard about the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the crowning of Jesus with thorns alongside another 3 sorrowful mysteries. We had time to reflect during the liturgy.

A great start to Science day in Year 3. Practicing our disciplinary skills of timing with accuracy and creating bookmarks to help us remember the measurements of time.

This morning year 3 led us in our second Lent liturgy linked to almsgiving. The children spoke about the different ways in which they can give to others like giving love and giving respect.

Last Monday, Year 3 had a fantastic workshop on Volcanoes and Earthquakes. They remembered lots of facts which helped in our lesson later in the week when we were locating the Volcanoes of the world!

Thanks to Year 3 & 4 who led us beautifully in our Advent Wreath Service today. You shared scripture, prayers and plenty of singing to help us reflect how we have prepared during this Advent season to welcome Jesus into our lives very soon.

Well done to some of Year 3 and 4 who represented school today singing Christmas Carols at Albany House. The residents thoroughly enjoyed the carols.

Well done to the children in Year 3 and 4 who represented school at the Christmas Carol Service as part of the Diocese of Nottingham Schools’ Singing Programme. You sounded amazing and were a credit to both OLSE and your parents.

Final day in Hathersage. Breakfast eaten, bags packed and beds stripped. Having a play outside and waxing our boots before we head to the playground.

Dinner time! We had a wonderful time in the cafe and have just enjoyed some hot chocolate. Getting ready for a well earned sleep

Den building! The children worked together to gather resources and construct these fantastic dens. Good enough to sleep in!

Fantastic geography field work taking place in Hathersage today! We used our knowledge of maps and keys to guide the way on our walk. Excellent work !

Good morning! Breakfast was delicious and now it’s time to get our kit on and head off for our walk from Grindleford

This evening we had a delicious dinner with lasagne, garlic bread, jacket potatoes and salad. Very impressed with everyone trying something new. After that we made our sandwiches for tomorrow and headed out for the bat walk. All in bed ready for another exciting day tomorrow!

Time for our first adventure! Off over the fields for orienteering and stream study. We saw a crayfish! We even had time for a quick duck race. Lucky number two won the race

We arrived at Hathersage safe and sound. Lots of smiles and excited faces! We had our lunch outside and then learnt all about the Peak District and national parks.

Year 3 had a great time learning the skills of handball before putting them into practice to play a game.

Year 3 had partake yesterday … Learning all about their topic ! The Romans. They dressed up, they did engineering making arches remembering the structure, they created mosaics, they became roman soldiers blocking the barbarian attacks also. They had a lovely Roman day !

Year 3 ended yesterday with a team building PE session using their communication skills to find the best way to get each activity they was given together complete ! Team work !

Yesterday year 3 had a visit from the chaplain Joe. They discussed how they saw the church, who Jesus is to them, how their friends and families help them become followers of Jesus and they reflected on the things discussed.

Year 3 enjoyed PE today, using lots of team work. They had to communicate well and show good oracy skills listening to each other by taking in turns to talk about their tactics before they did their fun team work activities !

Year 3 have enjoyed doing some Art, using painting blocks to create patterns !

Year 3 enjoyed taking part in PE yesterday which involved cooperation and teamwork skills. Lots of fun was had as well as learning lots of skills.

Year 3 had a lovely afternoon yesterday making their own bread rolls from scratch learning about how to knead the bread and they turned out delicious …… So today they made their own healthy sandwiches using their homemade bread rolls. They can’t wait to eat them.

Children in Year 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed creating their gardens for King Charles III as part of our Coronation celebrations.

We have had a great time celebrating the Coronation in Year 3. As well as designing our garden, we have had a symbol scavenger hunt, written letters to King Charles and made collage Union Jacks! we Are so excited for the picnic!

In P.E. We were refining our sprinting skills by thinking about our starting position and the technicalities of our sprints. We had a go at coaching each other and even had some time for some mini races. Ready, steady, go!!

Year 3 we’re practicing their oracy skills in R.E. today. We explored the Pentecost story and the good news shared by the diciples by Imagining the diciples were being interviewed and coming up with our own questions and answers

We have been thinking about our school values today and in year 3, looked at “Forgiveness”. We shared the Our Father and the Parable of the Prodigal Son. We reflected on times we have forgiven others and asked to be forgiven.

Welcome back Year 3! We started our day off practicing our TALK guidelines ensuring we were good listening partners whilst we considered our “journeys“ through 2022 In R.E.

Today in Year 3 we have been working on division focusing on grouping and sharing. We used counters to help us make our groups equal

In Year 3 we have created our own Stone Age Paints using natural resources. We used berries, mud, turmeric and water. The finished pictures look great!

Year 3 have had a lovely afternoon exploring Oracy. They did a great job sharing their interests with others, following our listening rules. We then had a great time playing some games!