Collective Worship
Prayer and worship are central to the daily life of our school. We aim to provide opportunities for children’s spiritual growth and development through participation in a variety of forms of worship. Collective worship is underpinned by scripture and our Word of the Week which we share weekly with the children. All children across school have the opportunity to lead Collective Worship for others. Our valued Chaplaincy Team plan and lead worship across school and parish in various forms including assemblies, mass and Reconciliation. Holy Days of Obligation are observed as well as various other celebrations within the liturgical year.
Children experience all forms of prayer: formal, informal, spontaneous, private and shared. In this way, children to come to value and respect the power of prayer and its place in their relationship with God.
Each class has a special prayer area covered with a coloured cloth and items representing the season of the liturgical year. Their class worship book celebrates the liturgies they have shared with others across school.
Thanks to Year 3 & 4 who led us beautifully in our Advent Wreath Service today. You shared scripture, prayers and plenty of singing to help us reflect how we have prepared during this Advent season to welcome Jesus into our lives very soon.
Congratulations to our latest pupil to receive our Parish Ambassador badge. We are very proud of the work you do to serve the parish. Well done. #faithinaction
Yesterday Year 3 and 4 led us in our second Liturgy during Lent linked to almsgiving. Thinking about ways in which we can help those in need.
Well done to year 1 and 2 for leading us in our first Lent Liturgy linked to fasting. What will you fast from during Lent?
Thank you to Year 3 and 4 who led us in our final Advent liturgy. You reminded us we have prepared well and there isn’t much longer to wait before we celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
Year 6 leading collective worship with year 5. The theme was preparation.
This morning Year 5 lead this weeks Advent Liturgy all about peace. We talked about the meaning of peace, how God can support us to live a peaceful life, as well as what we can do to enjoy we live a peaceful life.