Catholic Life

As a Catholic School, we believe the teaching and practice of the Catholic faith is very important.  As well as being explicitly taught during lessons, it is practised regularly and lived out in all aspects of school life through our words and actions.

We are a diverse community, welcoming those of all faiths and none. We consider this a strength of the school, embracing tolerance, respect, compassion and acceptance, while teaching our children how to live in a multi-faith, multicultural society.

Our message for all is the same; we are guided by Jesus in all that we do, we are one school, one community, one world. The atmosphere at school reflects this, with a calm and caring environment in which children can learn effectively and feel happy, safe and valued.

We believe that every child is unique and by working together we can help your child to grow spiritually and habitually live out Gospel values.

Congratulations to our latest two recipients of our Parish Ambassador badges. Well done for giving up your own time to support our parish as altar servers. We are sure you will be a great servant to our school community too. @BishopPMcKinney #missionarydiscipleship

Congratulations to our pupils who recently received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. It was lovely to celebrate Mass with you, your family and friends.

Years 3 and 4 joined together for a reflective liturgical prayer based around the theme Giving and Receiving that year 4 have just finished.

Thank you to Fr Joe and some members of Year 5 who led us in our Advent Reconciliation Service. We thought about how we would show God’s love to others during this season and be ready to encounter the love of Jesus at Christmas. @OLOLCatholicMAT@BishopPMcKinney

Well done to all of the children who joined us in family mass to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King which is the end of the church’s liturgical year. The year ends and celebrates the kingdom of God in all its richness before we begin the new Liturgical year.

Year 5 lead us in our Harvest Liturgy this afternoon. We thought about how we can give to those less fortunate than ourselves. Every class brought a basket of food to donate.

On Wednesday Year 6 attended the St Francis of Assisi Mass hub at Corpus Christi church. Each school presented something they were proud of. We celebrated Forest schools as it brings us close to nature and shows us how to care for the growing world around us just like St Francis.

Yesterday we celebrated our first word of the week whole school assembly linked to encounter. We thought about how we encounter Jesus in our lives.

Our community enjoyed celebrating all the children who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. Thanks to our altar servers, members of our Chaplaincy Team who led the singing & families who joined us in church & back in school for tea & biscuits.

Congratulations to all the children who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion this morning. We hope you enjoy a special day with your family and friends.

Congratulations to all the children who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. We hope you enjoy a lovely day with your family and friends.

Congratulations all the children who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion this morning. Enjoy your special day with your family and friends.

Today we celebrated St Joan of Arc feast day. The children in that house have come to school dressed in blue.

After working with children, staff, families & stakeholders we were able to have our school values launch day this week. Each child took part in a carousel of activities thinking about how they will live these out in school, at home and out in the community. Badges available now!

As we look ahead to 2023, we have all created to our school tree of hope, for ourselves, our community and our world. #hopes

Well done to Year 3 and 4 for your wonderful participation in the carol service last night at St Barnabas Cathedral.

Well done to our wonderful year 5 for planning and leading us in our Harvest liturgy. Thank you to all of our families for your generous donations which will be passed on to our parish SVP group and support those in our local community. #faithinaction