
What a wonderful afternoon disco. Everyone in Early Years had such a great time dancing with their glow sticks & having fun together.

Morning nursery had lots of fun dancing and playing Christmas musical chairs.

Another wonderful performance this morning, by Early Years, of “Simply the Nativity”. Well done to everyone involved and many thanks to all the family and friends who supported us.

Well done to foundation for their first Nativity performance.

As part of our new RE topic, last week Nursery enjoyed celebrating Peppa Pig’s birthday. We made pineapple pizza too, to reinforce our phonics learning.

Nursery has enjoyed learning a little about Judaism this week. They listened to the story of The Oil lamp in the Temple; made Menorah Candlesticks using different materials; painted symbols of Judaism and decorated Happy Hanukkah cards.

Thank you for a wonderful, interesting Family Bag in Nursery today.

Foundation having fun in the snow.

For Children in Need, Nursery enjoyed eating banana splits and singing “Bananas in Pyjamas”  We talked about how some children are not as lucky as us.

Another interesting Family Bag in Nursery today. Wonderful speaking and listening too. Well done

Morning & Afternoon Nursery were challenged to complete as many star jumps as they could, for Children in Need today. We made it extra fun by listening to music and playing musical statues too.

Beautiful Remembrance Day Art by our nursery children.

Afternoon Nursery were very excited to go to church and learn more about Baptism. Thank you to Father Joe for his kindness and time.

Another super Family Bag in Nursery today. It is lovely to learn so much about each other.

Nursery had such fun today, learning about the number 1, and playing “the cup game”.

Nursery learnt about Guy Fawkes today and why we set off fireworks on 5th November. We also talked about safety when near fires and fireworks, and we were very safe holding our sparklers by wearing gloves and keeping a distance.

This week during our art activities we have been thinking all about fireworks and what colours we may see, we have selected our materials to make our pictures and sparklers.

What a lovely Nursery Family Bag today. Super Oracy skills talking about being baptised with family in Poland & sharing a Polish book.

Nursery love singing action songs. Can you guess which song we sung today?

Decorating our biscuits as a little pig in nursery today to link with our story of the week ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. Great fine motor skills mixing and spreading the icing and good choices on sweet decorations. Enjoy!

Nursery completed their DT project about houses. They designed, made and evaluated their houses. They used their cutting and sticking skills to make the final product.

A lovely start to the week in nursery creating our own paper straw houses linking with this week’s story – The three little pigs.

Another fantastic Family Bag in Nursery today. We even all got given a “lucky envelope” which is a Vietnamese tradition.

Nursery have been talking about the importance of being kind to others and being happy. We’ve had a wonderful “yellow” day painting, playing, sharing, dancing and cooking for #WorldMentalHealthDay2024

Nursery have been busy in the art area this week using lots of sparkly and colourful resources to create a night sky picture.

Another interesting Family Bag in Nursery today, learning lots about each other’s families.

Nursery enjoyed lots of different activities today, celebrating International Day! Thank-you to our wonderful parents for all their generous & delicious food contributions.

Fantastic listening skills today in nursery’s PE lesson about witches and wizards. Children were able to find a space and move safely around the hall. Lots of new children who were amazing! Well done!

Nursery children looked closely in a mirror and painted a picture of themselves for our display about ‘Ourselves.’ They made observations and comparisons and noticed that we have some similarities and some differences.

This term in Nursery we are sending out a Family Bag. We hope it will help us learn more about each other, our families and different cultures. It also helps develop our Oracy skills.

What a lovely Friday in Nursery, raising money for Jeans for Genes and MacMillan Cancer charities. Thanks to all our kind parents for their generous support.

Morning & Afternoon Nursery have enjoyed sorting by colour today.

Nursery children had so much fun on their first day back to school. We are so proud of them all for coming in so happy and confidently. We all had such a lovely day.

Such a fun morning in Nursery. Wake & Shake then Street dance. We love healthy schools fortnight.

Nursery enjoyed some penalty shootout practice today as part of our healthy schools fortnight.

Morning and afternoon children practised yoga today. They had fun listening carefully, following instructions and making and holding some tricky yoga positions.

We are nearly at the end of our ‘under the sea’ topic in nursery and today children enjoyed dressing up as pirates, colouring mermaid pictures, making mermaid wands, playing with the mermaids in the water and counting and matching mermaids on our tuff spot.

Afternoon Nursery enjoying making, tasting & evaluating their healthy fruit salad. Super chopping, slicing & mixing.

Nursery had a super time making a healthy fruit salad for a “Pirates Teatime!” We chopped and mixed all the fruit then enjoyed eating our delicious dish in the Healthy Cafe!

Thanks to our wonderful parents for reading in Nursery this morning.

Thank-you to Mr Jessop for organising a fantastic obstacle course for Afternoon Nursery today#healthyschoolsweek

Today, Nursery had a try at copying the painting by Renoir called Seascape. We think they did a brilliant job… and had lots of fun too.

Continuing with our pirates topic we had a lovely afternoon in nursery decorating biscuits.

We had lots of fun making pirate telescopes in Nursery this week.

Thank-you to our Nursery parents for staying to read on Friday morning.

Nursery have been learning how God made our beautiful world.

Nursery children were having a great time in PE this afternoon… jumping like Kangaroos.

Fantastic French in nursery this afternoon.

Lovely art work in nursery this week – Pirate flags.

Nursery have been investigating how some materials change over time. We looked at water, changing into ice cubes when put into the cold freezer, then melting back into water again.

Nursery have enjoyed learning a little about Sikhism for our Other Faiths week. We learned that Sikhs don’t cut their hair and men wear turbans & women wear long dresses & scarfs.

Nursery having fun in PE today moving like different forms of transport; bikes, cars and aeroplanes. They followed instructions to take turns and play fun games.

It’s Friday and that can only mean one thing for Nursery- TOAST FRIDAY. The children used the oracy stem sentence “on my toast I would like….” when choosing their favourite toast topping!

A fabulous afternoon PE session in nursery.

Beautiful colour mixing today in nursery. We carefully mixed together black and white to make grey.

Lots of fun this morning for Nursery and Reception in our pirates workshop.

Nursery and reception had a fabulous time today being pirates. We followed a map to get to Polynesia. We got lost on the way and danced in Honolulu, met birds and monkeys in the jungle, penguins in Antarctica and landed on a volcanic island! Finally we found the treasure!

Excellent cutting skills in Nursery today.

One of our Nursery pupils is leaving to live in Singapore. We will all miss him so much, but enjoyed talking about different countries and playing with the airport small world resources.

Nursery have had lots of fun this week bubble blowing!!

Nursery had fun in PE today learning about sea creatures and doing lots of rocking and rolling. Fabulous listening and following instructions. Well done for making such good progress in your PE lessons.

Problem solving in Nursery… and having lots of fun.

Today nursery had a visit from zoo lab. We met Speedy the snail, Tilly the tarantula, Turbo the cockroach, Noodle the snake and Splat the frog. We learnt about where they live, what they eat and how they survive in the rainforest. We were able to touch and hold them.

Another busy Friday in Nursery. There was lots of reading and also listening to classical music, The Carnival of the Animals, and thinking about “tempo” and drawing which animals we thought the music sounded like. And of course… Toast Friday!

Nursery talked about different environments today. We explored our school grounds and talked about similarities and differences.

Many thanks again for all our wonderful Nursery parents who come every Friday to share a book with their child. We really do appreciate your time and support.

Nursery have enjoyed learning about Pentecost, and how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. There was lots of joy, fun, music and happiness today.

A happy morning in Nursery reading with our parents & enjoying drinking milk in the sunshine

Nursery and Reception had a fantastic time hunting for Easter eggs yesterday! We ordered the eggs by number and then all enjoyed a chocolate egg!

Nursery are very excited to take home their beautiful Easter cards today.

A fun day in nursery melting chocolate, mixing cornflakes, stirring it all together to make yummy Easter nest cakes. We then counted out 3 chocolate eggs each to go on top. We put them in our baskets that we made last week. What a tasty treat.

A fabulous fun morning in nursery making Easter hats!

Another super turnout in Nursery today. Thank-you to all those parents who popped in to share a book with their child.

What a fabulous, fun World Maths Day in Nursery today.

Nursery played lots of fun interactive maths games today for World Maths Day.

Wonderful to welcome some of our new Nursery children, who came for a stay and play session today, before they start in Nursery after Easter.

Nursery have made a beautiful tree for Lent. We have talked about being kind and loving others expecting nothing in return.

Nursery children went on a walk around the environment looking at plants, trees, grass and daffodils. We identified tree trunks, branches, leaves, buds, blossom and roots. We collected natural materials to use on our art table. What a fun science lesson today.

For our maths work about capacity this week, nursery children have been learning about ‘full’ and ‘empty’. They had fun using water and porridge oats to fill up bowls and containers and used the words full and empty.

Nursery children are very excited to see their sunflower seeds are growing.

Nursery have worked really hard during science week. We have talked about how trees change over time. We have explored, observed, discussed and investigated. We discovered that all wood does not float. We can’t wait to plant our fruit tree tomorrow.

A busy afternoon in nursery potato printing. Afternoon children chose their favourite colours to make a repeating pattern with the potato’s.

We have had a fantastic time in Nursery potato prinitng! We cut our potatos into different shapes and used our favourite colours to paint with – we created repeating patterns.

Nursery children are beginning to know about the life cycle of plants. We watched digital clips and we found out about how seeds are dispersed in different ways, and then plants start to grow again from these seeds.

During our DT project nursery children had fun chopping vegetables, blending and making soup for Oliver from the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. When we evaluated it the children loved the taste of our vegetable soup.

What a busy, fun World Book Day in Nursery today! We have drawn book characters; listened to stories, shared toast and hot chocolate and made stick puppets.

Thank-you to our wonderful Nursery parents for coming into school to read today.

A busy day in nursery planting their sunflower seeds.

For science Nursery have made a fantastic display all about growing and plants.

Congratulations to our Oracy Champion in Morning Nursery.

What a fun, musical day we have had in Nursery. We’ve played listening games; we talked about and played different musical instruments and then made our own shakers, using yoghurt pots, cups, rice, pasta, buttons and tin foil.

Today in nursery we looked at different types of seeds that can be found in fruit we like to eat. We found lots of differences with sizes and colours.

Nursery children had fun playing with, exploring and programming the bee bots today.

Super colour mixing in nursery this morning! Nursery children have learnt that red and blue mixed together make purple!!

A super start to afternoon nursery, with lots of children independently choosing to colour and make their own marks.

For RSHE, Nursery talked about what makes a good friend. We thought of good (and bad) qualities and made a recipe for friendship. Jesus wants us all to love each other and be kind & caring.

For our SCARF lesson today, nursery children sorted out healthy and unhealthy foods for a teddy bears picnic. We washed our hands before eating our fruit so our bodies will stay healthy.

In nursery we have been exploring plants. We are beginning to name the parts of a plant.

Nursery supported Children’s Mental Health week by wearing their scarves today.

In nursery we have been learning about staying safe when playing games online. We watched “Hatch Me” all about Mo & Jazz playing a game and asking their dad for help.

Nursery children have been responding to music using watercolour paints painting beautiful pictures.

Reading with parents, Talking Ted, Oracy Champion and eating toast whilst discussing where honey comes from… just another busy, fun Friday in Nursery.

The number 5 was everywhere in Nursery this week!

Nursery went on a walk around the school looking for safety features and dangers. We discussed how we can keep safe in and around our school.

Nursery children have been learning about mini beasts and their habitats and comparing them to their own homes.

Wonderful Oracy skills in Nursery today. From reading to parents, to Talking Ted and our first Oracy Champion. Well done everyone

Nursery visited church today. We looked around and found lots of special religious artefacts & also re-enacted the story of Mary & Joseph taking Jesus to the temple, meeting Anna & Simeon.

What a fun day in Nursery making and testing paper aeroplanes. We talked about how they moved through the air and how the wind outside affected them. We also observed which planes flew the furthest & suggested reasons why.

Nursery have been busy using lots of geographical words today, whilst playing with maps, the globe and looking at different stories from around the world.

Nursery enjoyed exploring how objects move in water. We looked at different boats and made & tested our own boats.

Thank-you to all the parents who came into Nursery this morning to hear their child read. What a super turn out! We do appreciate your support

Nursery have been printing and making “Hungry Caterpillars” using cotton reels and different coloured paint. We made patterns and talked about long and short too!

Nursery children have been using natural materials to make their own pictures.

Nursery confidently played our IWB game all about the numeral 3.

What a lovely start to our new RE topic, celebrating. We had a Welcome back to Nursery party. We made party hats, wrote invitations, danced with balloons & ate special party food.

Christmas fun and games in Nursery today.

Another busy Friday in Nursery!

A lovely afternoon in nursery decorating the Christmas Tree

Nursery made pineapple pizzas today, and embedded their learning of this week’s phonics phoneme “p”. They were just perfect

Thank you once again to our fabulous parents who came into Nursery this morning to listen to their child read. We really do appreciate your support.

A lovely day in nursery today making Box models!

Nursery enjoying toast Friday with wholemeal bread, strawberry jam and chopped bananas

Every Friday we invite parents in, to read with their children in Nursery. Thank-you to those parents who popped in today

As part of Anti- Bullying week, nursery have been thinking about how to be kind. We all took turns to make our own ‘Handprints of Kindness’

Nursery children have been talking about their bedtime routines. They played with the dolls house and small dolls to help them to remember what happens at bedtime. They talked about washing, brushing teeth and putting pyjamas on.

Another busy morning in nursery.

Nursery prepared for our Remembrance Assembly by learning a little about the importance of the Poppy as a symbol of remembrance and made our poppy wreath together.

Many thanks again to our wonderful parents for popping into Nursery this morning to listen to their child read.

Super reading with parents and siblings in Nursery this morning. Thank-you, as always to our supportive families.

What an exciting morning in Nursery meeting some local police officers and learning how they help us. We even got to sit in a real police car!

Today nursery have been having fun making faces on biscuits using icing and sweets.

Nursery have been learning about hospitals and nurses in the past and present. We found lots of differences and talked about how things have changed.

Another busy morning in Nursery today. Parents in to listen to readers, mass in church and a “Welcome” party for our new RE topic.

Thank-you to Charlotte the Nurse for coming into Nursery this morning and sharing a story, and talking about how nurses (& doctors) help look after people when they are ill.

From crowns, to cakes, to straw and Lego… everything was yellow in Nursery today. What a happy, fun, busy day we’ve all had

Baking in Nursery! Yellow was definitely the colour today for World Mental Health Day.

Lots of parents joined us again for reading Friday in Reception.

A busy reading morning in Nursery. Thank-you to our super parents for popping in to share a book with their child.

Nursery used Goose Fair to inspire our digital art in computing this week. We used large muscle movements too.

Nursery children enjoyed dancing to different types of music. We listened to relaxing music and moved slowly and lively music and moved quickly. We enjoyed waving our ribbons to different speeds.

Afternoon nursery visited the library. We looked at some lovely books, turned the pages carefully and talked about the pictures.

In computing (ICT) Nursery used iPads to take “selfie” photographs. We talked about our emotions and tried to look happy, sad, angry and surprised.

What a fun, busy morning in Nursery. Lots of reading with our wonderful families first thing…then of course… TOAST FRIDAY!

Celebrating International Day in Nursery.

Nursery have been learning all about their senses. We have been naming our body parts and talking about all the wonderful things we can do.

Thank-you Nursery for generously supporting Jeans for Genes day.

We are all different! In nursery we have been talking about how we are all different. We did some activities making puppets of different people and drawing pictures of ourselves and our friends. We can see lots of differences but we are all special.

Nursery have been painting some beautiful portraits of themselves.

Hand Painting fun in Nursery.

Today nursery children started their DT project. We talked about faces and how they are all different: size, shape and colours. We drew pictures of our faces and selected materials to use to make a face next week.

What fun we had in Nursery today playing different instruments. We stopped and started, listened & danced. It made us feel very happy.

What an exciting morning in Nursery. A fire engine and some fire officers came to visit and talk to us about their very important job!

Fitness & fun during our Taekwondo session this afternoon. Nursery were very impressive with their punches & kicks.

Morning nursery really enjoyed their extra PE session today. They used bean bags & balls to balance, roll, throw, catch & bounce.

Wonderful watery waves and colour mixing in Nursery today. It was a very calm and relaxing morning.

Nursery began our morning listening to calming water music and drawing shapes & pictures of how it made us feel.

Afternoon nursery children selecting, chopping and making their fruit kebabs for the DT project. Delicious!

Nursery have been making fruit kebabs today as part of their DT project. They have been following their designs and adapting the process where necessary – Yummy

Today children in nursery learnt about seaside holidays in the past and present. We looked at the pictures and talked about things that were the same and things that were different. We noticed that ladies wore long dresses & they got changed in little carriages on the sand.

Today nursery children made some yummy sandwiches. We thought about what fillings the lighthouse keeper would like in his sandwich. We spread the butter and added the fillings. We ate the delicious sandwiches before the seagulls could get them!

Nursery enjoyed being cowboys and cowgirls in our PE lesson this week. Super listening skills and working well with a partner.

Nursery have been thinking of some healthy fruits for a fruit kebab for the lighthouse keeper in our story this week. We had fun looking at pictures and fruit and designing our kebabs. Looking forward to making and tasting them next week.

Morning & Afternoon nursery were very active today, celebrating National Schools Sports Week.

This week, our school is learning about Hinduism. In Nursery, we listened to the story about Rama & Sita. We made diva lamps, dressed up, painted and made lots of Rangoli patterns.

As part of our SCARF topic and using our scientific skills, Nursery has planted some cress seeds, to observe how they grow and change. We also talked about the changing seasons.

Maths is EVERYWHERE in Nursery.

Our new topic in Nursery is “The Seaside and holidays”. We all had lots of fun playing, mark making, dressing up, exploring and learning new topic words. We also sang “Oh I do love to be beside the seaside” Let’s hope the sun shines too.

Morning Nursery enjoyed talking about cold polar regions in PE today. We moved like penguins and aimed snow balls at icebergs and tried to throw bean bag “fish” into hoop frozen water holes.

Nursery had lots of fun this morning counting, matching, subitising, taking turns and playing Gingerbread Man games.

Nursery had lots of fun this morning counting, matching, subitising, taking turns and playing our Gingerbread Man game.

Our story in nursery this week is ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ We used our fine motor skills to squeeze the icing and counted out the decorations to put on top. We talked about the story and remembered the sequence of events.

Nursery talked about what being a good friend means. They shared resources, sorted pictures, made friendship bracelets, painted pictures and played together. Well done Nursery.

Afternoon children enjoying their picnic with their own teddies and the 3 bears. We looked at the different sized bears and saw daddy was the biggest bear and baby bear was the smallest.

In our PHSE lesson this morning nursery children found objects around nursery that they could make music with. We found items to bang, shake and scrape. The children were able to follow simple rhythms and enjoyed making lots of noise!

Morning nursery children brought in their teddies today and enjoyed a picnic with the 3 bears from our story this week ‘Goldilocks and the 3 bears.’ We noticed our teddies were all different sizes- just like the 3 bears.

The coronation this weekend has given Nursery the perfect opportunity to think about different places. We talked about London and all it’s famous landmarks. Lots of children have visited our capital city and were able to talk about their trips.

Nursery children made a lovely garden fit for a King for our Coronation Day competition. They used playdough for a vegetable patch, tissue paper and beads for flowers, natural materials in the garden and included some ducks and horses!

Red, white and blue activities in nursery to celebrate the Coronation. Making lovely crowns to wear at our family Coronation Day picnic tomorrow.

Busy children in nursery today making a lovely garden for the King.

Potato printing in Nursery… We had so much fun

What a wonderful morning of using our imaginations and working independently to think…Whatever Next????? We especially loved our shaving foam planets.

Yummy chocolate eggs in Early Years! Happy Easter everyone!

Reception and Nursery had a fantastic Easter egg hunt this morning. We found lots of eggs and ordered them by number. We were so sensible we enjoyed some chocolate eggs as well! Happy Easter!

Nursery made some yummy chocolate Easter nest cakes today to put into their Easter baskets. We melted the chocolate until it was very runny, added the cornflakes and counted out some little smarties to put on top. Enjoy! Happy Easter everyone.

Zoo lab came to visit nursery today. We met Speedy the snail, Morph the millipede, Turbo the cockroach, Splat the frog and Cass the snake. We learnt all about the animals; what they ate, how the move and where they live. We touched and held the animals. It was good fun.

Afternoon nursery have enjoyed number writing with paint & water, making repeating patterns & icing biscuits with 4 sweets on top. Super World Maths Day work today.

World Maths Day in Nursery

Nursery have been talking and learning about the signs of Spring.

Today we checked on our bird food and feeders. It was fantastic to see the birds had eaten lots of the food in the cold weather over the weekend. Well done nursery children for feeding the birds in our playground.

It was cold and snowy outside, but Nursery was warm and cosy as we baked and ate some delicious fairy cakes today.

Playing, exploring, learning AND HAVING FUN! Nursery wrapped up warmly and spent a short time enjoying the snow

Afternoon nursery have been super busy making animal prints

A fantastic morning in nursery animal printing

Afternoon nursery children made some food and feeders for the birds today. We hung them on the trees near our playground and hope the birds will come and enjoy them.

Today nursery children made bird food and feeders for our DT project. We mixed the ingredients of lard, cheese, raisins and seeds. We put them out in our playground and hope the birds will come and feed on them.

Book characters, hats, stories, hot chocolate & popcorn! What a lovely afternoon in Nursery for World Book Day!

World Book Day fun in Nursery, including hot chocolate & popcorn listening to a story.

Princesses, superheroes, wizards, witches & pyjamas… lots of wonderful costumes in Nursery this morning for World Book Day.

We started our new DT project in nursery. We are going to make some bird food and feeders for the birds in our playground. We researched which type we would make and made a list of what we would need.

In nursery we tried some different fruits we hadn’t tasted before. Well done to everyone for having a taste. We learnt it’s good to try new things and keep healthy with what we eat.

Morning nursery made yummy pancakes today. We talked about why we make pancakes on Pancake Tuesday and selected some healthy fruits to put on top (plus some delicious chocolate ice cream!)

In nursery today we talked about how to keep ourselves healthy. We learnt how to wash our hands correctly and then we practised it. We also selected some healthy foods to pack in teddy’s lunchbox.

#childrensmentalhealthweek2023 Nursery baked fairy cakes and shared friendship bracelets and treats. Most importantly, we all had fun.

Exploring push & pull forces in nursery today. We also used some super, clear capacity words and had LOTS of water fun.

Nursery acted out The Presentation story in church. We dressed up as Mary, Joseph, Anna & Simeon. Baby Jesus was there too.

Nursery have been learning about Chinese New Year this week. The children have dressed up, decorated lanterns and used chopsticks. They have developed positive attitudes about the differences between people.

Nursery children having fun listening to different sounds and copying simple rhythms using body parts and instruments.

All nursery children enjoyed moving as different vehicles in their PE lesson this week. They steered their car, moved like a train and used their arms to fly like an aeroplane.

Nursery enjoyed looking around Our Lady & St Edwards Church on Friday. We saw the altar, candles, a crucifix, stained glass windows & the baptismal font.

What a super Oracy presentation today in Nursery, talking to the class about what Talking Ted has been up to this week.

Nursery enjoyed a “Welcome back to school” party today, as a fun start to their RE topic about Celebrations.

Our topic this term is moving things & our word of the week in Nursery is MOVEMENT. We enjoyed playing with & programming Bee-Bots today & using clear new topic words like “forwards” & “backwards”.

Afternoon nursery enjoying face painting and Christmas party.

Well done to nursery for wonderful singing (and dancing) for The Foundation Nativity performance this morning.

Toast, hot chocolate and marshmallows… what a happy Friday in Nursery.

Afternoon Nursery have enjoyed ‘Toast Friday’ with some hot chocolate and marshmallows to keep us warm

This morning in nursery we had face painting, party food and pass the parcel. All getting ready for Christmas!

Advent is a time for waiting and preparing. In nursery, we have decorated our Christmas tree, lit our Advent candles & opened our Advent calendar.

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in Nursery #Christmasjumperandfayreday

A very busy day in Nursery making Christmas cards for our families

Afternoon nursery made icing and used sprinkles, to carefully decorate their cakes. They tasted delicious too.

Nursery enjoyed talking, listening, taking turns & playing fun games during our Oracy day. Everyone liked meeting Talking Ted!

We printed on dreidels and played a simple dreidel game, to complete Judaism week in Nursery.

Nursery have been very busy bubble blowing! We mixed the colours by blowing bubbles to make our own ‘colour monster’.

Today in nursery we have been using our fine motor skills to sort all the different coloured pom-poms for the colour monster.

Nursery listened to the story of The Oil lamp in the Temple as part of Judaism Week.

In nursery this week we are learning about Judaism. We watched a video, made ‘Happy Hanukkah’ cards, painted the menorah candle and painted our clay menorah candle holders.

Nursery children painting their candle holders. We are going to make a menorah candle with them.

Nursery enjoyed looking around Our Lady & St Edwards Church on Friday. We saw the altar, candles, a crucifix, stained glass windows & the baptismal font.

Here is our Menorah candle in nursery. It has 9 candles, 8 candles are lit during the 8 days of Hanukkah. The middle candle, the 9th one, is called ‘Shamash’ meaning helper or server, this is lit on the last day.

Nursery children making star biscuits good try everyone.

Nursery read The Little Red Hen story this week. We retold the story, followed routes and ate some delicious bread.

Nursery carefully decorated poppies today, to make their poppy wreath.