Chaplaincy Team

Hi we are the school chaplaincy team. It is our responsibility to plan and deliver creative assemblies and acts of worship across the school. It is our hope that our liturgies, inspired by Scripture, will inspire you to act and behave as God wants us to.

As well as creating our own liturgies we are also tasked with helping children in KS2 and KS1 with theirs; we support with ideas and helping children use the correct planning sheets.

If there is anything you would like to know about our team or how we fulfil our duties as school chaplains please come and ask us.


Thank you to our Chaplaincy Team who led Year 4, 5 and 6 in our Advent Reconciliation Service this afternoon. May our special footprints help to keep us on the right path as we wait in hope to welcome Jesus at Christmas. Thank you Fr Joe & Fr Dennis for making this possible too.

Well done to the chaplaincy team who supported selling the fair trade chocolate to raise money for CAFOD.

Thank you to all the children and their families who joined us in Church yesterday to lead Mass to celebrate the feast of Christ the King. You read beautifully and sang with such enthusiasm as you shared your faith with others. @OLoLChaplaincy @BishopPMcKinney

Thank you to our Chaplaincy Team who led us in our Remembrance Day Celebration of the Word this morning. We joined with those around the country to pause in silence to remember those who have been affected by war and conflict. We prayed for peace in our world today.

Thank you to our new Chaplaincy Team, our Parish Ambassadors and Fr Joe who led us in our Mass this morning to celebrate the feast of St Edward the Confessor. We hope to follow his example and live a generous and holy life with others.@OLOLCatholicMAT @BishopPMcKinney

Well done to the chaplaincy team who led us in our word of the week liturgy linked to Awe and Wonder. Together we thought about how when we experience awe and wonder, we are reminded of the greatness of God and the beauty of God’s creation in the world around us.

Well done to some members of our Chaplaincy Team who helped at our Parish SVP tea party this afternoon. This time will contribute towards your voluntary services as part of your Faith in Action Pin Award.

Thank you to our Chaplaincy Team and to everyone who supported our final Friday of the month tuck shop to support our parish Fairtrade group. We raised £86.59. #community

Thanks to our Chaplaincy Team, Parish Ambassadors, Yr 5/6 choir & Fr Joe for leading us in a lovely Mass to celebrate the feast of the Ascension. Now Jesus has returned to His father, we are his disciples on earth. How do we live out our school values to help the church to grow?

Our chaplaincy team led us in our lenten reconciliation yesterday. We reflected upon how we experience Christ’s love in reconciliation. We wrote down mistakes we had made, which were then gathered and will be burnt to show how God has taken away our sins.

Well done to our chaplaincy team who led us in our Lent liturgy and reminded us about the three pillars during lent of almsgiving, prayer and fasting.

Our Chaplaincy Team put their faith into action supporting the parish at their SVP Afternoon Tea. They served food, tea, coffee, cleaned up, led the raffle. There was even some time for a slice (or two) of cake before we left. Well done.

Thank you to all the families who supported our tuck shop this morning to raise money for Cafod. We raised £55..05. Thanks to the Chaplaincy Team for giving up their break time to sell the sweet treats. #faithinaction

Today our chaplaincy team led us in our word of the week liturgy about Discipleship. They read from John’s gospel and thought about how we can grow with Jesus. We can be sure that our efforts will always be rewarded when we take the time to make a new start with Jesus.

Congratulations to the latest recipients of our Parish Ambassador badges. Thank you for sharing your faith with others and serving your parishes too. #proud

Thank you to our Chaplaincy Team, recently formed school choir and to our altar servers who led us in our Mass to celebrate the feast of Epiphany. May we be like the wise men and spread the good news of Jesus. #pupilled

Today our chaplaincy team led us in our word of the week assembly based on youth. They talked about how young people today play a vital role in the life of the church.

Thanks to our Chaplaincy Team who led our whole school Remembrance Day Liturgy. We thought about those who lost their lives in war. We prayed for peace in countries where there is conflict. We paused for two minutes & placed poppy wreaths at our focus. @PoppyLegion

Well done to our chaplaincy team who led us in our word of the week assembly linked to change. They talked about how young people can change the world for the better by working to make a difference, they also linked it to many saints who have made a difference.

Today our newly appointed chaplaincy team led us in our liturgical prayer linked to respect. Respect is a key ingredient to building strong relationships and is essential for creating a peaceful world. We also linked it to our school mission statement and the values within it.

On Friday we joined the parishioners in church to celebrate mass for the Feast of St Edward. Well done to our newly appointed chaplaincy team for leading us in prayer.

We lived out our mission today of supporting our parish community. We had a non-uniform day in return for a bottle for our parish Summer Fayre. At break time our Chaplaincy Team led our Fairtrade tuck shop, we enjoyed a chocolate treat with all profits going to the parish group.

This afternoon the chaplaincy team went over to church to support with a community parish event. The children enjoyed serving sandwiches, cakes, biscuits as well as serving tea and coffee and loved meeting new people. They even sung happy birthday to one of the parish members.

Well done to the chaplaincy team who supported with the fair trade tuck shop, helping to raise £58 for CAFOD.

Our Chaplaincy Team helped us celebrate the feast of Ascension. As Missionary Disciples, we go out to spread the good news just like he instructed His own disciples to do. They used the words of St Theresa of Avila that we are now the hands, feet & voice of Jesus in the world.

Thank you to Fr Philip, Deacon Anthony and our Chaplaincy Team who led us in our Easter Mass this morning. You reminded us that through Jesus’ resurrection, we have new life and new hope. We all thought about our hopes for the world during this Easter season.

Our Chaplaincy Team who led Year 4, 5 & 6 in our Lenten Reconciliation Service. It was a lovely opportunity to reflect on the times we haven’t joined Jesus on His journey & what we will do differently next time. Thank you to Fr Joe, Fr Philip and Fr Marcus too. @BishopPMcKinney

Well done to Chaplaincy and some year 6 children who led Ash Wednesday Mass in church this morning #Lent40

Thank you to our Chaplaincy Team who led us in our Epiphany Mass today. The wise men were brave & trusted the star to guide them on their journey to meet Jesus. We too mustn’t be afraid to answer God’s call & see the difference Jesus can make to our lives. @BishopPMcKinney

Today our Chaplaincy Team led us in our Advent Reconciliation Service. Just as the wise men were guided by a star to meet baby Jesus, we wrote our mistakes on stars and promised to be a light & a guide to others during this time of preparation.@BishopPMcKinney @OLoLChaplaincy

Thank you to @OLoLChaplaincy for our Advent banner, it looks lovely in our entrance area.

Our Chaplaincy Team led us in our Remembrance Day liturgy. Our whole school joined the nation in pausing for two minutes to remember all those who have lost their lives in conflict. Some members of our year 6 class sang beautifully too. #olseremembers









08/01/2022 – Yesterday the Chaplaincy team lead the first mass of this year to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. They prepared the mass and read beautifully. They were joined in church by the rest of year 6 and year 3 as well as the parishioners. The rest of school watched via live stream.

08/11/2021 – We will be supporting @BritishLegionRX  this week with our poppy appeal. #olseremembers

04/11/2021 – Congratulations to our recently appointed Our Lady and St Edward Chaplaincy Teams. We are excited to see you lead our school and parish community in prayer, liturgy and Mass. We already know that you will be a wonderful support to everyone around school. #faithinaction