Year 4

Year 4 loved their smoothies, big thanks to Miss Dyer for helping us!!

Year 4 really enjoyed their lesson this morning with Sarah from SCARF education, learning all about how to keep healthy both physically and mentally

Week 2 of our Euro House Competition is underway. Year 3 and 4 have completed their fixtures and there was a win for France and Germany with the girls and today England and Portugal won their games with the boys. #competiton #pupilleadership

Our girls football team played again last night and although they lost 2-4 to Bluebell, we are super proud of your determination and commitment. You are developing skills over time. Well done and keep going.

t was the turn of Year of the boys from Year 3 & 4 to represent their house country in our Euro competition. St Therese  beat Blessed Cyprian Tansi  3-0. Again, St Joan of Arc  drew with St Alban  1-1. Well done all, there was great team work and sportsmanship on show.

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their sporting carousel afternoon @TheBecketSchool getting to experience some new sports.

Well done to our Year 3 and 4 girls who got our Euro house competition off to a great start. Blessed Cyprian Tansi  beat St Therese  9-0 and St Joan of Arc  battled out a 0-0 draw with St Alban  Lots of children from Key Stage 2 came to cheer you on too. #teamwork

Year 4 have been enjoying another choir lesson with Mr. Treloar @NottmCathMusic They all sounded wonderful.

Year 4 have been using their Oracy skills to work together and research and locate the major rivers of the world In Geography this morning.

Year 4 have been investigating and creating different types of switches in science

Last lesson of Year 4s fitness topic was all about improving our stamina and keeping up a sustained effort. They all worked very hard.

Here are the final results of Year 4s power prints! Excellent use of techniques such as hatching to create some wonderful pieces of Art.

As part of our power prints topic Year 4 have been drawing with scissors and planning their compositions for a mixed media drawing with some fantastic results so far

Thank you to Year 4 who led us in our liturgy this afternoon where the focus was The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. It allowed us to encounter Christ after each mystery.

Year 4 have been investigating different circuits this morning during Science. Predicting if they would light the bulb before correcting them if they didn’t.

Year 4 have been learning what If statements are and how to use them in Coding. Whilst continuing to develop our pattern recognition skills to us If statements effectively.

Year 4 have produced wonderful pop up books as part of DT project this term.

Year 4 have been Maths rockstars today, using base 10 to build place value towers before some times table rockstars, as part of our World maths day.

Year 4 led us this week in our Liturgical prayer focussing on Sacrifice.

Science activity day – Year 4 started off the day with some fantastic Oracy as we discussed in groups the big question ‘What if there were no clocks’. Before we have made our own water clocks to help us time ourselves throughout the day.

As part of our World book celebrations Year 4 have been using their Oracy skills to tell their peers about their favourite characters

Year 4 enjoyed developing dances in our Spy theme that included canons, matching and mirroring. As well as improvising and dancing as our favourite book characters

Year 4 have enjoyed a lovely morning reading with their parents as part of our World book day celebrations

Year 4 have really enjoyed working Tom and our Chaplin Joe to plan their Liturgical Prayer ready for Monday.

Year 4 have taken part in a fantastic debate arguing for and against the statement ’Love your enemies; do good to those who hate, you, pray for those who treat you badly’ as part of current RE topic.

As part of our science topic Year 4 have been compiling reports on endangered species. Researching why the animals are classed as endangered, along with how we can help protect them.

Year 4 have enjoyed another fantastic choir lesson, brightening up the day despite the horrible weather!

Here are some of our finished designs, with the pupils now taking time to evaluate and think carefully what they could turn their designs into!

Inspired by William Morris Year 4 have been creating their own repeating patterns as part of craft and design: fabric of nature unit of learning.

Year 4 loved times table tennis, it got very competitive towards end, with everyone showing excellent recall!

Year 4 have been mastering inserting loops in coding to make our programs more efficient.

Year 4 have enjoyed another fantastic choir lesson this morning.

Year 4 used their Oracy skills as part of our PSHE lesson when faced with different scenariOS and how we can deal with them safely.

In science Year 4 have been classifying vertebrates into different animal groups explaining to their peers their reasoning.

In art, year 4 have been taking inspiration from artists such as Ruth Daniels and using images of rainforests to explore how to create imagery through various technique.

Thanks to Year 3 & 4 who led us beautifully in our Advent Wreath Service today. You shared scripture, prayers and plenty of singing to help us reflect how we have prepared during this Advent season to welcome Jesus into our lives very soon.

Well done to some of Year 3 and 4 who represented school today singing Christmas Carols at Albany House. The residents thoroughly enjoyed the carols.

This afternoon Year 4 have been working scientifically by conducting their own experiments into the rate at which solids melt as part of our States of Matter topic

Year 4 have been busying researching life in Ancient Greece ready to write our information texts.

Year 4 created and then surveyed their classmates on which ingredients they would in their Greek salads as part of our DT food project

In PSHE today Year 4 have been discussing all the similarities and differences we have with the people we share the world with.

In PSHE today Year 4 have talked about the ways we are all different, recognised the potential consequences of aggressive behaviour and strategies for dealing with someone who is behaving aggressively.

Today year 4 have been learning all about the three states of matter and demonstrating to the class our understanding of the particle arrangement in each.

Year 4 have enjoyed making string telephones as part of exploring how sound changes over distance

As part of our painting and mixed media unit of work pupils have moved on to sin tints, shades and different painting techniques to create 3-D images

Year 4 have been using their Oracy skills and building their own word banks as we work towards writing our own Ancient Greek myths

This afternoon we have been learning about pitching Science, using different instruments to help us gain a better understanding

Year 4 have been lining how to shade and tint their paint as part of our current art topic.

In History we are learning about the Ancient Greeks and how their different city states were organised. Today in the style of the Athenians we held our own democratic elections for our class school councillors.

This afternoon as part of ancient Greece year 4 have been using their Oracy skills and working collaboratively to label maps of Greece, the surrounding countries and seas.

This morning Year 4 have been partitioning numbers to 10 000 using different pieces of apparatus when problem solving.

Year 4 have been working hard in Geography in school this afternoon using atlases to name and locate difference cities in the UK.

Final day in Hathersage. Breakfast eaten, bags packed and beds stripped. Having a play outside and waxing our boots before we head to the playground.

Dinner time! We had a wonderful time in the cafe and have just enjoyed some hot chocolate. Getting ready for a well earned sleep

Den building! The children worked together to gather resources and construct these fantastic dens. Good enough to sleep in!

Fantastic geography field work taking place in Hathersage today! We used our knowledge of maps and keys to guide the way on our walk. Excellent work !

After our train to Grindleford was cancelled, we decided we would walk to Grindleford instead. So, in total we walked just under 9k. Very proud of the resilience shown by the children throughout

Good morning! Breakfast was delicious and now it’s time to get our kit on and head off for our walk from Grindleford

This evening we had a delicious dinner with lasagne, garlic bread, jacket potatoes and salad. Very impressed with everyone trying something new. After that we made our sandwiches for tomorrow and headed out for the bat walk. All in bed ready for another exciting day tomorrow!

Time for our first adventure! Off over the fields for orienteering and stream study. We saw a crayfish! We even had time for a quick duck race. Lucky number two won the race

We arrived at Hathersage safe and sound. Lots of smiles and excited faces! We had our lunch outside and then learnt all about the Peak District and national parks.

Year 4 have enjoyed bringing in their ’backpacks’ with things that mean something to them to share with the class.

Year 4 really enjoyed their afternoon @TheBecketSchool  school, trying out some new sports for the first time and getting active

Year 4 led us in the Rosary yesterday. They shared the Luminous Mysteries and helped us to remember Mary in the month of May.

Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed creating their gardens to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday.

Number 4 was everywhere in Nursery today. We even iced biscuits and only put 4 sweets on each one! What a fun World Maths Day.

Well done to the children in year 4 and 5 who represented school in the athletics tournament yesterday. Bronze in the track events and silver in the field events so overall Silver. Super proud of your hard work and effort.

Well done to some children from Year 3 and 4 who represented our school at a football festival. We are all really proud of the way you played together as a team and supported one another.

Year 4 have created their own prints with some fantastic results

Happy World Book Day, from Year 4!

Year 4 all agreed every good good book needs a amazing front cover to match. So we have taken on the roles of illustrators in designing new front covers for our favourite books #WorldBookDay2023

Year 4 have been continuing our life process science topic and looking at the environmental dangers faced within our local environment

#childrensmentalhealthweek2023 For their well being afternoon Year 4 chose @rodocodogame  before a movie afternoon complete with blankets and pillows.

In PSHE today Year 4 have been using their Ora year skills to come up with their top tips to solve conflicts.

Year 4 have been discussing what they would like to talk about this #SaferInternetDay2023 #OLOLSaferInternetDay. We ave used Oracy skills to talk about all the positives and negatives that come come with using the internet. Before deciding individually what to focus on.

Year 4 have enjoyed getting back into choir practise with Mr Treloar this morning and learning about chords.

Year 4 have been learning all Australia today as part of our Oceania topic, using an atlas and our map reading skills to help create our own.

We have lots of budding coder’s in Year 4, who have been busy using @rodocodogame  to enhance their programming skills.

Year 4 have been learning about the three wise men, using drama to help understand their story before discussing what their gifts meant.

For PSHE today, Year 4 used drama to act out different scenarios when we may feel under pressure before using our Oracy skills to discuss what we can do when we feel under pressure.

Year 4 have enjoyed a festive art lesson today drawing resulting some excellent oil pastel Grinch hands.

Year 4 have been busying applying our learning from ICT (how to use search engines), with PSHE (working as a machine) to create information texts about the Legacy of Ancient Greece.


Year 4 enjoyed their final choir practise today, ahead of our visit to sing at the cathedral. Everyone sang beautifull.

This afternoon year 4 enjoyed a retreat afternoon with Joe our chaplain from @TBSchaplaincy . The focus was encounter.

This afternoon Year 4 have enjoyed finding out about the Sefer Torah as part of Judaism week.