Welcome to Our Lady and St. Edwards Primary & Nursery Catholic Voluntary Academy where we put children at the centre of everything we do. We are a one form entry school for children between the age of 3 and 11.
Our motto is,
“Guided by Jesus in all that we do, together we are one… one academy… one community…one world.”
We believe this and live this message out in our daily lives through work, play and friendship.
In our Mission Statement we are inspired by the teachings of St Francis. He asked that we ‘Live the Gospels’; we do this by…growing in love for God and each other; showing respect, being compassionate, being able to forgive and giving our best in all that we do to achieve our goals. Through living out our mission statement, we know that we provide a caring school community in which children feel happy and secure. Each day is treated as a ‘new’ day and a new chance for everyone to shine.
We know that by placing an emphasis on quality teaching and learning, where children are provided with a rich, stimulating and relevant learning environment, we are creating a strong foundation on which future achievements will be built.
Our creative curriculum gives our children the opportunities to become independent learners. Topics are planned termly with an over-arching theme to engage all pupils. We hold termly open afternoons to showcase children’s work and parents are always invited in to school to our child led Celebrations.
Pupil voice plays a very active part in school life. We have a Chaplaincy Team, School Councillors, Playground Buddies, Pupil Librarians, Eco Warriors, Parish Ambassadors and House Captains. These groups meet regularly and play an active part in making decisions regarding events in school.
We also offer ‘out of school’ provision with a Breakfast club in the morning and a variety of different after school clubs run by our Extended Services Team throughout the week; holiday clubs are also on offer within the Trust.
To get a feel for the school we always encourage parents to visit, meet the staff, pupils and take in the environment which is as important to us as the teaching and learning; we want pupils to be proud of their school and treat it with respect.
Please contact us via our admin e-mail if you would like to look around – all are welcome.
Best wishes,
Rachel Byrne