Reception have been learning about different countries, we talked about where our families come from and where we travelled over the Christmas break. We then identified the countries on a map and a globe!

What a wonderful afternoon disco. Everyone in Early Years had such a great time dancing with their glow sticks & having fun together.

Another wonderful performance this morning, by Early Years, of “Simply the Nativity”. Well done to everyone involved and many thanks to all the family and friends who supported us.

Well done to foundation for their first Nativity performance.
There was great excitement in Reception this morning. As part of their PSHE/ Scarf curriculum learning about feelings and helping others who might be sad, pupils wrote to a little boy called Sam… and he sent a letter back.

Reception have been learning about bonfire night and improving our ICT skills. We looked at different kinds of fireworks and then used the iPads to create our own! We have loved learning about bonfire night!

Reception have been using marbles and paint to make firework pictures. We used different colours and rolled the marbles down the page to create marks.

Foundation enjoyed playing together this afternoon. They built a house for The Three Little Pigs… but unfortunately the Big Bad Wolf did blow the house down!

Today in reception class we drew a map from our walk last week along Gordon road .

On Friday receptions painted Autumn trees , using their hand print for branches

Reception made repeating patterns using fruit shape sponges and real apples with paint!

Today reception class went out to look at different types of buildings near our school .

Reception worked hard to learn about all the different types of houses. They talked about their own homes, showing super Oracy skills.

Reception have been busy this International day, We have had a shared breakfast and talked about the different places we come from and the different food we eat. We have also looked at the flags for the countries we come from and had a go at colouring in our own!
Nursery have been learning about our five senses. We enjoyed smelling, tasting, looking, feeling and listening. Our classroom display will hopefully help us remember them.
Lots of fun street dancing in reception today. #healthyschools

Reception children practised their penalty shootout today. Fabulous kicking skills. Future England football stars!

Reception practising their yoga skills this afternoon.

Reception made a healthy snack with Mrs Nicholson this morning. We made apple donuts by slicing apples, topping them with coloured cream cheese and adding sprinkles. They were delicious.

Lots of parents reading in Reception this morning.

Reception learnt all about their bodies and how to look after them in our Scarf workshop this morning.

Reception busy practising races with Mr Jessop yesterday.

Lots of parents stayed to read in Reception today!

We have been learning about Sikhism in Reception today. We looked at different artefacts and tried on some traditional clothing.
Lots of fun this morning for Nursery and Reception in our pirates workshop.

Nursery and reception had a fabulous time today being pirates. We followed a map to get to Polynesia. We got lost on the way and danced in Honolulu, met birds and monkeys in the jungle, penguins in Antarctica and landed on a volcanic island! Finally we found the treasure!

We aged paper in Reception today using tea bags. When it’s dry we are going to make treasure maps.

Lots of parents joined us to read this morning in Reception.

Zoo lab came to visit Reception today. We met a snake, a cockroach, a frog, a tarantula, a giant African snail. Some children held or stroked the animals. We learnt all about their habitats and what they eat. We also learnt about how some animals camouflage themselves.

Lots of parents stayed to read this morning in Reception.

In Reception we made wind and fire streamers and Pentecost kites and flew them outside.

Lots of parents stayed to read in Reception this morning.

Nursery and Reception had a fantastic time hunting for Easter eggs yesterday! We ordered the eggs by number and then all enjoyed a chocolate egg!

Lots of shape and number fun in Reception on World Maths Day.

Fantastic maths rockstars in Reception this morning!

Lots of parents reading in Reception this morning.

Lots of parents stayed to read this morning in Reception.

Reception have been thinking like scientists today. We have done an experiment to see what cress needs to grow. We have made predictions and will check whether the cress has grown or not later in the week.

Lots of lovely costumes in Reception for World Book Day today.

Lots of parents joined us to read today in Reception for World Book Day.

Reception planted some cress this morning. We are excited to see if it grows.

Reception have been learning about the book Oliver’s Vegetables this week. We have made our own vegetable soup. We chopped carrots, potatoes, onion and butternut squash and added sweetcorn and stock too. Everyone tried the soup and lots of us had second and third helpings.

Reception have been learning all about plants this week. We looked at plants indoors and outdoors and talked about the different parts of a plant.

Another Friday morning reading session in Reception. Lots of parents stayed to read today.

Reception made a whole class firework painting today. We used different techniques to splatter and move the paint.

In Art this week in Reception we painted to music. We thought about how the different types of music made us feel.

Reception retold the presentation story in RE this morning. We know how excited Anna and Simeon were to meet baby Jesus.

In Art today we finger painted in reception, we talked about whether our paintings were abstract or figurative.

In music today Reception played winter music and sang along to a winter song.

Reception went on a treasure hunt around church this week. We found artefacts that form part of a religious celebration.

We have done two PSHE lessons this week in Reception. We learnt about what is safe to put on our bodies and what is safe to put in our bodies. We learnt that it is only ok to have medicine if a grown up gives it us.

Reception had a fantastic time watching The Boy Who Cried Wolf at Lakeside Arts yesterday.

Reception have had lots of fun this week completing their DT project. We designed and made biscuits. They were delicious.

Reception performing our nativity last week. They all sang beautifully.

Thank you to the parents who joined us this morning to read with their children in Reception.

Thank you to the parents who joined us on Friday morning to read in Reception.

To start our new RE topic we had a birthday party for the Prayer bear. We played some party games and had some sweets.

We completed lots of different activities in Reception for Judaism week. We made handprint Menorahs and cut out dreidels and candles. We coloured Hanukkah cards and made play dough candles.

Lots of parents joined us for reading in Reception this morning.

Lots of parents joined us in Reception to read this morning.

Reception had a visit from two police officers today. Megan and Charlie showed us lots of different things police use. We tried on the helmet and the hand cuffs. We all sat in the police car and had a go at putting on the lights and the siren.

Lots of parents joined us for reading Friday in Reception. We love stories

Nurse Charlotte came to visit us in reception today. She taught us how to make people feel better. We all helped poorly Dino by cleaning his cuts and putting plasters on.

Reception wearing yellow today for World Mental Health day. We had yummy cakes at break time too.

So many parents joined us to stay and read this morning in Reception. We had a fantastic time sharing books.

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We have been practising our ICT skills in Reception this week. We have been drawing pictures on the iPads.

Reception enjoyed trying lots of different food on international day. We came in dressed in traditional dress or in colours of our countries flag too!

Our book of the week this week in Reception is Funnybones. We have been learning all about our bodies. We have collaged skeletons and put the skeleton jigsaw together.

We are learning about ourselves in Reception. We talked about the similarities and differences between ourselves and others.

Today the fire service came to visit. They talked about their jobs and fire safety in the home. Miss Makings put on all the safety clothes to keep her safe in a fire. We looked at all the different parts of the fire engine and equipment. We listened to the loud siren. It was fun

Reception had lots of fun racing and competing in sports day. They were all superstars!

Reception had lots of fun trying taekwondo this afternoon. We practised kicks and punches.

Today Reception’s learned about how to look after their body and stay healthy .

Reception class enjoyed their Peter Pan drama workshop this morning , thank you #performdrama

We made and tested boats in Reception today. We thought carefully about different materials we could use to make our boats. Then we tested them in the water tray and found out how many marbles they could hold.

Reception had a great time celebrating the Coronation, they designed their own crowns , coloured Union Jack flags and made a garden fit for a King!
Reception learnt all about maps today. We looked at a map of the world, a weather map, a zoo map, a local area map and a treasure map. We will make our own maps later on this week.

Reception are painting dragons like Zog in our book of the week.

Children from all the year groups visited Reception classroom today to learn about the value ‘Love’. We read the quote “Let all that you do be done in love”. In groups we used Oracy skills to discuss what love is, who we love and how we can show love in pictures.

Reception learnt about the different seasons. We know what happens in the different seasons. We went outside to look for signs of spring. We found flowers, new leaves and blossom.

Yummy chocolate eggs in Early Years! Happy Easter everyone!

Reception had an extra special visit from Zoolab this week. To end our topic on animal growth we met 5 different animals. We learnt about how animals grow and then shed their skin. We also learnt about how animals like frogs change as they grow. We were so brave.

Lots of fun maths activities in Reception today. #worldmathsday

Reception worked together to make a marble run today. We tried lots of ways to get the marble to the end but it kept getting stuck. #scienceweek

This week is science week and children in Reception have been finding ways to build towers using a variety of equipment. Great ideas and super towers everyone!

Reception hung their dried bird feeders out today. A tasty snack for all the birds on our playground.

In DT this morning Reception made bird feeders. We will wait for them to dry and hang them out for the birds to eat.

Reception having lots of fun in the snow!

Reception class really enjoyed their Alice in Wonderland dance workshop today, they did some movements and put them together to do a dance .

World book day in reception class- they designed book covers and book marks and also practiced oracy skills by retelling Goldilocks and the 3 bears .

Reception class in their costumes and pjs for world book day!

Reception class enjoyed baking cakes this morning and had even more fun eating them! They also received a friendship bracelet .#childrensmentalhealthweek2023
In Reception today we danced to music. We listened to the music and moved in different ways to it. We all agreed that dancing makes us happy!

Reception have been programming Beebots today. We learnt how to make them turn around in a circle and how to make them go forward, turn and come back.

#SaferInternetDay in Reception. We played a game to practise asking for help and thought about the conversations we would like to have.

Reception have been re-enacting the presentation story in RE today. We dressed up as Mary, Joseph, Anna and Simeon and pretended we were at the temple.

We made lanterns in Reception to celebrate Lunar New Year. We decorated them using brightly coloured sequins.

We learnt about Lunar New Year in Reception today. We learnt about the different ways in which people celebrate and did some food tasting.

Reception are learning about trains this week. We used 3D shapes to print train pictures. We used our spatial reasoning skills to decide where to put the shapes.

Reception have been learning about buses this week. We have drawn buses and maps of bus routes. We have also played imaginatively with different transport toys.

Well done to these two, reception’s french stars!

Reception had a fantastic morning watching the Singing Mermaid at the theatre. We loved the songs and all the lights.

Reception were amazing in the Nativity this morning and yesterday. We are so proud of you. Thanks to all the parents who came to watch.

Reception french stars! well done to them both.

We have been making Snowman Christmas cards in Reception this week.

On Friday in Reception we learnt all about the advent wreath. We know the candles are for hope, peace, joy and love and that the Christ candle is lit on Christmas Day. We used our ICT skills to make our wreath.

For PSHE today, Reception worked with their talk partners to discuss what makes a good friend. We then awarded 4 badges to children who played kindly and who played with somebody new.

Reception were very busy yesterday reading and writing lots of tricky words. It was a fun, glittery day!
On Friday we started our Birthday topic in RE in reception. We had a birthday party and talked about how we celebrate birthdays.

Well done to these reception children for working hard in their french lessons.
We learnt about Judaism in reception this week. We made our own Menorah’s and designed a dreidel. We also played a Jewish artefact bingo game.
We practised our oracy skills in Reception this afternoon. We made sure we used clear voices and faced the person who was talking. We took turns and listened carefully.

Reception have been very busy today. They have worked hard on their writing, numbers, shapes and drawings. Well done for working independently.

We have been practising our phonics skills in reception this week. We have used the word building blocks to make CVC words.
For Anti-Bullying Week reception class designed their own pair of odd socks.
Reception made a poppy wreath for Remembrance Day.