Well done to the achievers for this term. You have worked super hard and have been noticed by your teachers and other staff in school.
Pupil Voice
Well done to our achievers for this half term. Your teachers have commented on being kind, creative and hard working. Keep up the great work.
As part of Education Sunday, two of our Parish Ambassadors shared our school ethos & vision with the Parish. They shared our 7 values, how they are lived out & also various pupil leadership roles in school. Together we can make a difference in our school, community & in the world
Well done to some of our chaplaincy team and some year 6 children for leading us in our word of the week liturgy this afternoon linked to fortitude. Together we thought about how we can show fortitude this week and how it makes us feel to overcome challenges.
Thank you to our Chaplaincy Team for planning and leading us in our Mass to celebrate Eastertide. Thank you also to our Parish Ambassadors for supporting Fr Joe. Well done to everyone who joined us, the singing sounded fantastic, a real joyous celebration. #community
It’s the final Friday of the month, which means @FairtradeUK tuck shop led by our Chaplaincy Team. Thank you to all who support it, all profit goes to support @CAFODSchools
Our whole school celebrated the feast of St Edward today with the parish in church. Thank you to our new Chaplaincy Team, some new altar servers and our new assistant priest Fr Philip for leading us so respectfully. It was a lovely celebration.
Hi we are the school chaplaincy team. It is our responsibility to plan and deliver creative assemblies and acts of worship across the school. It is our hope that our liturgies, inspired by Scripture, will inspire you to act and behave as God wants us to.
As well as creating our own liturgies we are also tasked with helping children in KS2 and KS1 with theirs; we support with ideas and helping children use the correct planning sheets.
If there is anything you would like to know about our team or how we fulfil our duties as school chaplains please come and ask us.
Thanks to our Chaplaincy Team who planned & led us in Mass to celebrate All Saints Day. A special mention for Sam from Year 5 & @NottmCathMusic who led our singing with such enthusiasm. Congratulations to our two latest Parish Ambassadors who have joined the altar serving team.
OLSE has been busier than Parliament in recent weeks and were able to introduce their new Chaplaincy Team, House Captains, School Councillors, Well-being Champions and Pupil Librarians to the whole school. #pupilvoice #listenedto
Congratulations to the children who received a kindness award from our Well-Being Champions. Your actions outside in the playground really do make a difference. Well done to the children who won a cuddly fruit or vegetable from our healthy lunches competition last week.
Our Well-Being Champions organised Kindness Week with Mrs Nicholson. Throughout the week they led games and activities out on all the playground. There was so many kind words and actions on display. #bekind
Well done to our children who received our Kindness Award from our Well-being Champions during our Celebration Assembly. You were recognised for your kind words and actions throughout this week.
Our role is to help you when you are playing on the playground. If you are having trouble finding a friend to play with we will point you in the right direction or play with you ourselves. We also help you if you’re having problems within your friendship groups. It is also our job to give you a little advice on how to play fairly and appropriately with our playground equipment.
To help spot us easily on the playground we wear our bright coloured bibs and our sunshine badges.
OLSE has been busier than Parliament in recent weeks and were able to introduce their new Chaplaincy Team, House Captains, School Councillors, Well-being Champions and Pupil Librarians to the whole school. #pupilvoice #listenedto
We are the School Council and represent one aspect of Pupil Voice in our school. Our team is made up of children from Year 1 to Year 6 who have been elected by their peers.
We have many jobs as School Councillors:
Firstly we listen to the ideas of our classmates and take them to our council meetings. Here we discuss your suggestions and decide if they are possible.
In addition we have to represent all pupils in the school during meetings with Mrs Byrne. During these meetings we talk about your suggestions and the possibility of them happening.
As well as attending meetings we are also part of the interview team for any new member of staff. All interview candidates are interviewed by us and we then feed our thoughts back to Mrs Byrne and the Senior Leadership Team
Finally we are also responsible for buying new equipment for the school playground. So if there is anything you would like write it down and put it in your School Council wallet.
OLSE has been busier than Parliament in recent weeks and were able to introduce their new Chaplaincy Team, House Captains, School Councillors, Well-being Champions and Pupil Librarians to the whole school. #pupilvoice #listenedto
Our library is open every day for students to come and read a wide selection of books. There are lots of comfy chairs and bean bags to snuggle down into and get lost in a good book! Our library is overseen by Miss Greenwood and our excellent librarians from year 5. Every day they help children from other classes choose a good book and make sure the library is always tidy. Every fortnight children are allowed to bring home a book from the library to help expand their reading range. What will you read next?
A huge thank you to our Pupil Librarians who have been busy reorganising our school library this week. We have had a lot of donations so there are many new books to choose from. #pupilleadership
OLSE ECO team hope you are rising to the challenge of Cut Your Carbon month. Please return your results by 29th November. Thank you for your support.
OLSE ECO team delivered an assembly today to begin a campaign to help care for our planet. We are asking each family to try and achieve 6 challenges throughout November to help reduce carbon emissions – we hope everyone can try and join in. It’s time to CUT YOUR CARBON!
Well done to our Eco-warriors for leading an assembly about recycling batteries and the importance that this has on our environment. They talked about why it’s important and how we can stay safe when using batteries.
ECO team met this week to tidy up our peace garden. We dug up the rest of our old autumn carrots and Mrs J took them to the stables for the horses. We composted weeds and will continue to tidy next week!
OLSE ECO team have met for the first time today. We have learned about what it means to have an ECO team in school and have gathered our ideas to help us achieve a greener way of life at OLSE. Well done.
OLSE Eco-School Team
We are the OLSE Eco-team (two pupils representing each year group) and we meet most weeks (with the help of Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Harrison) to work towards making our school a more sustainable and environmentally friendly place to be.
We are guided by Pope Francis and his mission to encourage us all to ‘Live Simply’, thinking about how the way we live our lives affects others and our planet.
We launched our endeavour to be an Eco School in September 2019 with a special ‘Green Day’ – each class undertaking creative and learning activities in order to develop awareness of the crisis facing our planet and how we can help make our school a more environmentally friendly place.
04/02/2022 – Congratulations to our new Eco Team. You were very sensible at your first meeting this week completing your Environmental Review. We are all looking forward to working together with school, home & parish @FrLiamCarpente1 to protect our environment. #gogreen
Well done to all the children who received our Achiever of the half term award. Kind, resilient, committed, hardworking, focused, superstar, marvellous, and polite were just some of the many words used to describe you all. #proud
Congratulations to the children who received their Achiever of the half term badges – kind, thoughtful, resilient, positive, hard working, reflective, polite and cheerful are just some of the many words used to describe you all. Well done.
Well done to our achievers this half term. Some of the things mentioned were hard working, striving to improve, showing resilience and patience. We are all so proud of your achievements. Keep up the good work.
We had so much to celebrate this morning at our Achiever’s Assembly. Well done to all the children who won their class achiever award. Motivated, resilient, polite, respectful, engaged, caring, delightful and friendly are just some of the many words used to describe you.
Well done to our achievers for this half term. Some wonderful comments about your dedication and hard work.
We had a very busy end to last term. Congratulations to the children who were awarded Achiever of the Half Term, four children awarded with an ambassador badge for the work they do to serve our parish community & to St Therese of Liseux house for being our house point winners.
Well done to our achievers for this half term. Your teachers have commented on being kind, creative and hard working. Keep up the great work.
Well done to the achievers for this term. You have worked super hard and have been noticed by your teachers and other staff in school.
Congratulations to all our children who received our Achiever of the Half Term award. Amazing role model, friendly, reliable, motivated, polite, resilient, positive and confident are just some of the many words and phrases used to describe you. #proud
Well done to all the children who received the Achiever of the Half Term award. Always, amazing, confident, determined, friendly, kind, reflective, resilient and thoughtful are just a few words to describe you all. We are proud of you all.
Yellow house enjoyed their treat afternoon playing games with Mr Jessel and Mr Whittle outside and competing in musical statues with Just Dance!
Our House Captains have prepared a couple of competitions to coincide with @EURO2024 Each class & office have their own team. Each house has also been allocated a team & over the coming weeks will play in their own Euro 2024 finals with Mr Jessop at lunchtime. Who will win??
All the children in St Therese of Lisieux enjoyed their treat afternoon for gaining the most amount of house points last half term. They had the choice of cartoons and cakes or football. Fun was had by all.
Thank you to all the children who took part in our Easter house competition. There were some eggcellent creations and out judges found it eggtremely difficult to choose a winning 3.
Well done to our House Captains who organised and led us in our talent show final this afternoon. Well done to everyone who auditioned, our finalists and of course our winners. There were lots of house points won this afternoon and a lot of smiles and laughs too. #pupilvoice
On Friday children from across the school came together to celebrate St. Cyprian Tansi the patron saint of yellow house
Today St Therese of Lisieux celebrated getting the most amount of house points last half term with a disco. They enjoyed musical bumps, musical statues and the best dancer. Lots of fun was had by all.
At Therese of Lisieux house enjoyed a disco this afternoon with games and sweets for winning the most house points last half term.
Today we celebrated St Joan of Arc feast day. The children in that house have come to school dressed in blue.
Cyprian Tansi house have enjoyed their treat afternoon watching a film with popcorn for getting the most amount of house points last half term.
Well done to St Alban house who again were our House Point winners fro this half term. They enjoyed a Christmas cinema afternoon with popcorn and sweets. Will they make it 3 in a row as we move into next term? #pointsmakeprizes
OLSE has been busier than Parliament in recent weeks and were able to introduce their new Chaplaincy Team, House Captains, School Councillors, Well-being Champions and Pupil Librarians to the whole school. #pupilvoice #listenedto
Congratulations to our Talent Show winners! St Joan of Arc were awarded a whopping 175 house points, Blessed Cyprian Tansi received 50 and St Alban won 25. You were all amazing!!
28/01/2022 – Another fantastic afternoon had by all at our Key Stage 2 Talent Show Final. Thank you to our House Captains for organising and our super finalists for sharing their talents.
27/01/2022 – Thank you to our wonderful House Captains who organised our EYFS / KS1 Talent Show Final today. We had singing, dancing, gymnastics, acting – such a difficult choice for our governor to choose her top 3! #olsegottalent #futurestars
20/01/2022 – Children in Cyprian Tansi house celebrated their feast day today. They dressed in their house colour & enjoyed a retreat. They thought about how he shared his faith with others & how during this Synodal Process what their dream was for God’s church. @BishopPMcKinney #synod
17/12/2021 – Over 18,000 House Points were collected this half term for working hard, for lovely presentation, for being resilient & reflective, for being a good friend. Congratulations to St Therese of Liseux who pipped St Joan of Arc to the winners spot by 17 points. We go again in 2022!
01/12/2021 – Our House Captains chose their winners from each class from their competition. Congratulations to all the children who designed cool outfits for Pudsey and Blush to wear to the birthday party. Well done to everyone who took part & raised money for a worthwhile cause.
26/11/2021 – Thank you to our House Captains and altar servers who led us beautifully in our whole school Mass to celebrate the beginning of Advent this weekend. We must be patient, we must slow down and we must be ready to welcome the light of Jesus into our lives and hearts at Christmas.
04/11/2021 – Congratulations to our recently appointed House Captains. We are all looking forward to seeing the fun activities you are going to lead within our school community over this year. #letthebattlecommence
07/11/2021 – Well done to St Therese of Liseux house who were our House Point winners last half term and enjoyed their cinema afternoon on Friday. Anyone for popcorn? #pointswinprizes