Year 2
Today, we did computing. Year 2 enjoyed researching facts using kiddle whilst learning about internet safety.
Children in Need Fun for Year 2 with Mr Jessop and the Year 6 House captains.
In Year 2 we have been learning about different types of historical sources and deciding which would be the most valuable to help us learn about the Great Fire of London.
In Year Two we have been learning about how to carry out a fair test in science. We tested different toy vehicles to see which would roll the furthest. We learned about the forces of gravity and friction at work. Well done everyone.
Year two have been busy creating number fact families in maths this week – learning about the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.
Year 2 have had another busy week. We enjoyed developing trust and communication skills in PE and in Art learning how to create texture using paint.
Year 2 had a wonderful time with Partake this week. We learned about the events of The Great Fire of London through drama and musical role play.
This week Year 2 have been sharing and collecting vocabulary for our independent diary write about the Great Fire of London and in science we have been learning about materials used for buildings.
Year 2 has had a busy week. We have been learning how to use tens and ones in maths, colour mixing in art, using a thesaurus in literacy and we led the first KS1 liturgical prayer. Well done everyone.
We have had a lovely first day back in Year Two, we have reflecting on what we would like our ideal class to be like and enjoying some rainbow science to help us generate questions for further testing!
Year Two are enjoy healthy schools week with exercises a plenty, a visit from life education and we really enjoyed making and eating our healthy fruit cup snacks.
Namaste Year 2! What a super Yoga session in the hall this afternoon as part of our Healthy Schools fortnight.
In Year Two we have been learning how to prepare fruit in different ways to help us design and make a tasty, healthy, fruit snack. We found that mashing, grating and squeezing made the fruit sweeter!
It has been a lovely transition day in Year Two learning our golden rules, number bonds, rocket ‘mice’ science and team building games. Well done everyone!
Wonderful reading comprehension, Oracy work and acting today in Year 2.
Thank you Tom for a wonderful retreat in Year Two last week, learning and being inspired by Catholic Social Teaching.
In computing in Year 2 we have been learning how to navigate a map online in order to learn more about the International Space Station.
Year Two have been role-playing the Pentecost story with a ‘lead reporter’ asking questions of the disciples and people of Jerusalem. Super oracy and acting as we learned about the gift of the Holy Spirit in the sunshine!
For Science in Year 2 this week we made observations over time to find out which microhabitat woodlice preferred. We repeated our test to make improve the reliability of our results and looked for patterns.
In Year 2 we have been creating timelines of UK history and trying to work out when different castles were built using photographic evidence. It was easy to recognise an iron age fort, as nothing much was left of it and modern castles looked like grand homes. It was a challenge!
World Maths day in Year 2 saw lots of arithmetic practice using ‘hit the button’ and times table rock stars. We had to recall facts fast and it demanded lots of concentration.
In literacy this week we are learning about non-chronological reports. We had a reading challenge in Year 2, to read and organise information sentences about lions into paragraphs. It was a literacy jigsaw!
Year Two have had a super science day learning about animal life-spans, including the lifecycle of a butterfly. We investigated how to ‘balance a butterfly’ asking lots of what if…? questions which we tested and observed. Well done everyone.
Year 2 have enjoyed developing their strength, balance and flexibility in PE – learning sequences of yoga movements.
In Year Two, as part of our online safety topic, we have been learning about how not everything you see online is true. We used Kiddle to research facts about a range of topics then created some false facts to test each other, to see if we could spot when information wasn’t true.
In year two we have been practicing our cutting and joining skills creating doors, windows and wheels for our fire cart design.
In Year Two we learned the value of different historical sources. We looked at a bucket, hat, engraving and diary from The Great Fire of London and learned that the eye-witness diary gave us the most information.
In year two we created our final work of art, depicting the great fire of London, using collage. Great team effort.
Fun, team work and trust in Year 2’s PE lesson today. Using blindfolds meant we had to give clear simple instructions to our partners and work together.
We had a lovely day in Year Two learning about the importance of a healthy mind. We shared lots of ideas about things that makes us feel happy.
Year 2 have been sequencing the events of the Great Fire of London in chronological order.
In year two we have been learning about Charles Macintosh and his invention of waterproof fabric. We invented and tested our own waterproof materials in science.
We have been rehearsing our firecat stories with our talk partners today in year two.
Thank you for the wonderful international breakfast we had in Year Two. The children looked splendid in their traditional dress and we learned lots of different ways to say ‘hello’ using different languages. A lovely day – well done.
Year 2 are learning how to partition numbers with base 10 using a part-whole model.
Super communication and cooperation during team building challenges in PE this afternoon. Well done Year 2.
In year 2 this morning, we have been working hard learning how to use our base 10.
Great fun learning handball and making healthy fruit cups in YearTwo this week.
Year Two have had a fab week for healthy schools fortnight, enjoying drama, life education and kick boxing. We can’t wait for next week!
In Year 2 we are developing our computing skills by learning about the International Space Station. We have been navigating a virtual reality map of the ISS and creating digital pictures of what we would need to take in our space bag to survive in space.
The Money Minds team from Yorkshire Building Society visited Key Stage 1 today and we learned about the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ and how to budget. The children shared some great ideas about the value of money and had a go at budgeting for a trip to the cinema.
Children in Year 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed creating their gardens for King Charles III as part of our Coronation celebrations.
We have been learning like scientists in Year 2 today making close observations and measurements of microhabitats and minibeasts. We investigated where woodlice prefer to live, collecting data over time and looking for patterns as we observed them in our class habitat tank.
In the Year 2 Class we have explored the value of FAITH (believing and trusting when you cannot see!) and created footsteps of faith, choosing scripture quotes of Jesus Christ to show us the way, the truth and the life.
Did you know 1 baked bean weighs 1 gram? So in Year 2 we thought 1000 baked beans weigh a kilogram. We had a good time measuring the weight of shopping items, setting questions for each other, answering and checking using our super maths skills! #worldmathsday
Year 2 needed lots of patience today as we practiced our sewing skills ready to design and make our glove puppets for retelling an African folktale. There was some super teamwork as we helped each other and kept trying despite it being a tricky skill – well done everyone!
We had a wonderful science week in Year 2 learning about connections in nature through food chains and how we get energy from food. A fair test saw ‘Rich Tea’ biscuits as the best for dunking and 3rd place in the marble run competition. Well done everyone!
As part of our PSHE topic, Year 2 explored our outside school environment. We identified areas we like, areas we dislike, any problems and tried to offer solutions.
We have been using our oracy skills to make up stories using stick puppets and we enjoyed a wonderful story dancing session, retelling Alice in Wonderland.
World books day in Year 2 – check out our costumes and our favourite story books – we love to read!
Namaste from Year 2, who began their Yoga module in PE today by copying, learning and repeating yoga poses.
In Year 2, for RE, we have been working with our talk partners, discussing and recording the different ways of saying thank you at home, school and in the parish community. We say thank you to show respect, care and love – super ideas Year 2!
A busy day in Year 2 saw us learning how to use keyboard shortcuts in computing and create mirror printing patterns for our African Art.
In Year 2 we have shared Hanni’s Story and thought about who we can talk to when we need help with problems online. Look at our asking for help posters! #saferinternetday
The internet is like a magic window. The magic window is a wonderful thing, when we open the curtains we let the world in. There’s so much to learn and do, but not everything out there’s right for you. In Year 2 we drew suitable magic windows! #saferinternetday
In Year 2 today we have been practising our oracy skills through role playing a conversation between Jamina and Grandfather from our story of ‘The Hunter’. Super thoughtful acting!
Year 2 demonstrating different shapes, take offs & landings, when performing jumps in PE today, both on the floor & on apparatus.
In Year 2 we have been creating ‘rainforest flower art’ using different ways of printing and collage. Well done everyone.
In PE today, Year 2 linked balances & different travelling actions on apparatus and performed their sequences in small groups.
In Year 2 we have been developing our word processing skills with a keyboard quiz and a challenge to insert images of African animals to a word document. Great teamwork!
Year 2 planned a class worship to share with Year 1 all about the Epiphany and how we might think about the gifts we can give to Jesus this New Year, just like the Three Kings that brought gifts to God’s Son. We promised to give peace, joy, harmony and love to others.
Year Two have been making preparations during Advent, creating our own prayer wreath and retelling the story of the Annunciation. The children talked about ‘Mary’s great faith and the joy in her heart.’
In Year 2 we have been making our London fire carts using boxes to create the cabin, door, windows and sawing wood to make the chassis. Great independent making skills and helping each other – well done everyone!
In Year 2, we have been writing and performing our own winter poems in class today with lots of creative vocabulary. Well done everyone.
A busy DT afternoon saw us completing our model fire-carts in Year 2 today.
Year 2 worked with a partner and in small groups to perform their Great Fire of London dances today in PE.
In Year 2 this afternoon, we looked at old maps of London, then used secondary sources to compare what the city looks like today, over 350 years after The Great Fire of London!
Year 2 have enjoyed Oracy Day with partner and group talking, listening, questioning and responding to all the things that make us happy. Great ideas were shared for our warm-up game – would you rather be a bird or a fish?
In Design & technology we have been practising our cutting and joining skills in Year 2 today to help us design and make our fire-cart vehicles. Super snipping everyone!
In Year 2 we have been testing materials in science to find out which had the best grip. We are going to use our results to help us make the tyres on our model vehicles. We planned and carried out our test with careful measuring and explained our results. Super science Y2!